✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
There are people who, seeking to minimize the suffering of others unite themselves to the Cross of Christ, offer themselves to God as expiatory victims. Their sacrifices are accepted by Him, who blesses them with spiritual graces. Some of these victims receive the gift of seeing scenes of future tragedies so that, in advance, they can pray and suffer with the intention of minimizing the suffering that is to come.
During adoration on September 28th, the northeastern nun was given knowledge of six future events:
At the end of the vision, he was given a biblical passage:
I will stand at my watch-post, and station myself on the ramp; I will keep watching to see what he will say to me, and what he will answer concerning my complaint. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner can read it. For there is still a vision for the appointed time; it speaks of the end, and does not lie. If it seems to tarry, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay. Look at the proud! Their spirit is not right in them, but the righteous live by their faithfulness. (Habakkuk 2, 1-4)
A man blew himself up in Pakistan the day after the vision, leaving dozens of people dead and injured, which seems to have happened in the first scene seen.
The last one probably repeats the revelation that the nun had received on August 8th and that I recently published on this page.
In the book of Habakkuk, God responds to the prophet, who calls for justice, announcing to him that the fulfillment of the prophecy is quickly approaching and giving him the order to write it down. It also announces the fall of the wicked and the prevalence of the righteous.
Let us keep our eyes focused on the promises of the Lord, who will not abandon us in our sufferings, but will come to our help. Let us trust that everything can change through prayer and penance. And let us remember that, along with hope and faith, God also asks us for charity. The righteous will live by faith. And faith, without works, is dead.
Lucas Gelasio, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
[1] Item #3 may very well be Buenos Aires. Six years ago I had a dream in which I saw large stones falling on downtown.