✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
This message I felt was important enough that it needed to be shared right away.
As always, please pray for discernment before proceeding, and listen to the entire podcast to have a better context of the message and the anonymous visionary.
Thank you Monique and Mark for sharing this with us!
This is a message for all human kind. Samples of my celesial power will be seen a week from today. panic will take over you but i want you to know that I will be there to shelter you in my lap if you look for me. dont get disturbed, just look inside you for calmness and silence. You will find me there. Fire particles will come off the sun and will reahc the earth in great numbers. This will cause a more than normal warming and the weather will be affected. stay in your houses. don't run outside. keep blessed candles and enough water. this phenominon will last 3 days.
These are the days anounced by me. i am introvening in the light of so much evil, so much hatred and thirst for power on earth, my creation.
God the Father