✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
Fulton Sheen Institute- Youtube
Yes, this video is lengthy, but there is a lot of good and helpful information here. To make it easier, I am starting the video when Father Michel is introduced. You can rewind and watch from the beginning if you choose.
*Note: Many channels who were carrying Father Michel's message were having audio problems. This channel appeared to have the fewest issues in my opinion.
My children,
Thank you for answering my call. This global novena for world peace saves and will save many of my children who have gone astray because they have strayed from the faith of their baptism. This novena brings graces of conversion for my children who have not yet received Holy Baptism in the Church of my Son. This novena brings to the world a breath of hope for all the children of my Immaculate Heart and all those of good will. Do not refuse the Love of My Son; He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. My motherly Heart is with you!
France, Eldest Daughter of the Church… how many times have I visited you and you have not listened to me! By my prayer and my tears, I obtained for you, the Lillies of Holiness! I call in you, the apostles of the last end times! The cohort of my children who, in these last days, prayed the Rosary, obtained a special grace for you! This is the case for all the countries that participated in this prayer. From Europe and Asia, from Latin America to Africa, from all Nordic and Slavic countries including my children from Russia, Canada and America, from the Pacific and Atlantic islands, your prayer has been heard! The army of Satan’s minions has been weakened. It is true that the Church of my Son will suffer persecution. Nations will rise up against each other to such an extent that an Illumination of Consciences will be necessary to save the greatest number. These will be days like there has never been before on Earth!
A special grace has been granted to you! My angels will protect the houses, the cottages, the families and their children, their homes, their lands, their farms, all those who have consecrated themselves to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus and to my Immaculate Heart for the Advent of a Marian peace for the world. My angels will guide you and remove you from all places that need to be cleansed from the plagues that Satan’s servants have brought about. Do not fear the Antichrist… you will be under the protection of your Holy Angels. Michael, my Holy Archangel, holds the sword of fire that will strike the blow against Hell and its prince. Gabriel, my Archangel of the Priesthood, will protect all the priests of the Church of which I am the Mother. Raphael, my Archangel of healing, will cleanse the world of its corruption, it’s plagues and its diabolical disease. Little children of my Heart, do not be afraid! Your eyes will see the Power of God at work. The rumors of war are nothing before His Arm that subdues all!
My children, keep the state of grace in the Holy Spirit. If you fall into sin, go to the Sacrament of Forgiveness and Reconciliation, this river of mercy for the Salvation of the world. Be diligent and vigilant in prayer and adoration of My Son in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Alter. All the sacramentals of the Church ward off the Evil in all its forms.
On the feast of Saint John the Baptism, a voice cries out in the desert of this world: “Straiten the paths of the Lord, for the Lord of lords is coming!” My children, the times are fulfilled, and you will be witnesses to the wonders of your Heavenly Father and my Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
With Jesus and Joseph, we are your protection with your holy guardian angels and patron saints.
Dear children of My Immaculate Heart, I bless you…
The Virgin of Perpetual Help