✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
An anonymous nun in Northeastern Brazil has been communicating with Lucas Gelasio, a Marian researcher and the spokesman for “Fr. Oliveira” — a priest whose prophecies we have posted here. With the permission of her Mother Superior, she sent these visions to Mr. Gelasio, who is convinced of the authenticity of this nun’s charism and believes that her revelations and those of Fr. Oliveira are closely connected.
We submit them here for the discernment of our readers…
I. In the first, she found herself in an unknown place, in front of her angel. He held out his hand and helped her down three high steps. After a small pavement, they climbed nine steps. The path from that point on was a flat, golden road.
Further ahead, she saw three young people coming in her direction. They were the same ones she had seen in a dream about the “Three Days of Darkness”,[1] with the same appearance. Beside each one was an angel, but they could not see them [the angels]. The nun was welcomed by them. A relative of hers also approached together with an angel. The group led the nun through a large, arched entrance leading to a hall. As they entered, they saw many people, known and unknown, of different nationalities.
Everyone was happy. They were conversing and understood each other, although they spoke different languages. Beside each one was an angel. The nun understood that the understanding among them was due to the angel that each one had beside them.
She looked at her angel and asked: “Are we in Paradise already?”
“No! These are the new heavens and the new earth!”[2]
After that, the vision ended and another began.
II. The nun now saw a large train station, with thousands of people. She saw families and small children. Soldiers stopped them one by one and asked for their documents. After examining the documents of one group, an officer passed the documents to another.
“Christians!” he said. Turning to them, he continued: “You are going to that train.”
He pointed to a full train. Inside, many were crying. Others seemed terrified. Some, sitting with serene expressions, were simply praying.
The second vision also ended, and the third began.
III. The nun saw a country immersed in chaos. There were cars on fire. People were fighting each other and the police. Many were running. Mothers with babies were trying to protect themselves. Then the vision ended.
Note: “I understand that the first vision shows the spiritual graces that will come after the tribulation, while the second and third show what will come during it. Let us pray that, united with our guardian angels, we may persevere until the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”
On the night of October 24, 2024, this Brazilian nun was praying, kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament, when she had a vision of a large, luminous door. She felt as if the Lord were pulling her toward Him, but she resisted. She did not want to have any vision, only to adore and make reparation. Shortly afterwards, she could no longer resist and felt immersed in God.
She saw that door again. It was in the center of an immense luminous wall, so high that the nun was unable to see how far it went.
There was a crowd of furious people throwing stones at the wall. Between them and the door, there were people kneeling, praying. Behind those praying, forming a barrier to protect the door, were seven angels.
The nun heard the voice of Our Lord:
My daughter, My Church will never be destroyed. When men try to destroy it, I will intervene.
She heard one of the seven angels blow a great trumpet. The deafening sound made everyone fall face down on the ground, covering their ears. The nun too could not bear what she was hearing. She heard the Lord’s voice again. When He began to speak, the trumpet could no longer be heard.
Men do not cease to wound My Church. But they will not destroy her, because she was born from My Heart opened on the Cross. She is the fruit of My Body and Blood. Before they destroy it, I will manifest My truth and everyone will bow down, beating their breasts. Men will repent of all the evil they have done against My Church and against Me. Many will convert and find mercy. This will be a day of great pain and great grace.[3] But before that happens, look to the sky!
After that, the vision ended. The nun felt as she had felt on May 12, 2023, when she experienced the illumination of conscience: exhausted, crushed, with her whole body trembling. The angel inspired her to meditate on Zephaniah 2:1-3.
Gather, gather yourselves together, O nation without shame, before you are driven away, like chaff that disappears, before there comes upon you the blazing anger of the LORD. Before there comes upon you the day of the LORD’s anger. Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, who have observed His law. Seek justice, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the day of the LORD’s anger.
↑1 | cf. Three Days of Darkness |
↑2 | The Era of Peace, prophesied by the prophet Isaiah and others, is also referred to by the Church Fathers as a “new heavens and new earth” after the purification and reign of Antichrist (see Creation Reborn). After the Final Judgment, however, when the earth is cleansed by fire, there will be an eternal New Heavens and New Earth that will not pass away. The interplay of language may be somewhat confusing, but this is how the Church Fathers addressed this intermittent period also referred to as a “sabbath rest“. |
↑3 | A clear reference to “The Warning” or illumination of conscience. See The Great Day of Light. |