✞ The true spirit of charity in the rich and in priests.
Received in Spanish from Jesus on March 21st, 2018
My Florecita,
Write – I want to speak to you [all] about Obedience, so little understood in these times.
Obedience is one of the pillars of the Work of Salvation.
It is the restitution that is offered to the Father to console, to repair the terrible disobedience of Lucifer and Adam and Eve.
Obedience is an offering of Love that is inseparably united to Faith and Humility, which are the foundations of a true union with your Father in Love.
Some view obedience as servility, as an affront to freedom. Others view it as an end, that annuls one’s own responsibility and personal response to the Will of the Father, by obeying the imperfect will of a limited and imperfect creature.
True Obedience is freedom, because it leads to the fulfillment of the Will of the Father, which is only Love and goodness for His creature, for His children.
Obedience leads to order, to the order that I established.
But children, there is an extreme difference between the obedience given to men and the obedience given to Me.
Human obedience is established to protect and to guide [lead] to obedience to God. Always.
One should predispose to the other. The inferior one to the greater one. Not the other way around, as often happens.
From Whom does all authority come from? From Whom does it proceed? From Me, your God and Lord, sovereign over ALL.
There is no greater authority than Mine.
Unless I order something different, the human order is followed, by means of obedience to one’s legitimate superiors.
But I can and do ask for other acts of obedience, directly to Me, when I give particular missions or when I ask someone to communicate My Words to My children.
I Am God and I can do whatever I WANT.
Everything that I have established in My Church is directed to the fulfillment of My Will, of My plans for the good of My children, and I ordinarily make use of this.
But precisely in the following of these Plans of Mine, I ask for other acts of obedience, that in appearance are “outside” of the established order, but that in reality are part of the same Plan, of My same Will.
If My children would only listen to Me more attentively, they would be able to recognize clearly these instances, as some of My Priests of the Temple were able to do, recognizing in Me – the unknown Carpenter from Nazareth – a very different Mission sent by God, even though in appearance it was so opposed to what was known up to then of the Faith given to Abraham and Moses.
Children, I, your Jesus, always obeyed the Father, Our Abba. And in everything that was not opposed to this greater and fundamental obedience, I obeyed the established human order.
Each of you has a mission given by Me from the moment of your creation, and each of you must fulfill it and give Me an account of it. This requires your obedience to Me, to what I ask of you not only in general as My children and servants, but also as particular “missions”.
Obedience to your particular mission is essential in My Plans, and this obedience requires that you know Me, that you recognize Me and listen to My Voice.
Human acts of obedience – learning to obey without understanding, without any reasons that satisfy you – prepare you for the greater obedience that you offer Me, believing and obeying Me blindly, without understanding, trusting fully that everything that I ask of you is for your own good and the good of ALL.
My little ones, you must be able to distinguish between the spirit of Obedience that I ask of you, which is humility and Faith; from the human obedience that is according to “the letter of the law”, that does not see beyond the particular instance, and does not see nor distinguishes between the obedience that is owed to Me from a human obedience.
[We will continue later, Florecita of My Heart…]
[Several hours later]
My little one, let us continue.
How much can be said of true Obedience – but it is enough to look at and reflect on how I lived it, the living example I have given to you as a teaching.
Reflect on how I acted when I was twelve, remaining in the Temple – I obeyed the Voice of the Father Who called Me to give witness before the Doctors of the Law, disobeying My Parents on earth – and reflect on Who they were, Their holiness, and despite that, in this instance there was a greater obedience.
I obeyed during the long years of the private, hidden, life, as any other faithful, fulfilling the requisites of the Law, fulfilling my duties as a citizen.
But then the moment arrived to begin the Mission of the Redemption, entrusted to Me by Divine command, and then I obeyed only the Voice of the Father, because the first obedience had passed, and now I was instituting the Perfect Obedience, based on Faith and in Love, and not in the simple fulfillment of the precepts.
I want Obedience. True, Holy Obedience, which is the humility of the heart that is attentive to My Voice, to My Will, and that allows Me to act in and through you.
Jesus +
Your Lord and God,
Who loves you and teaches you by example.
[Dictated after finishing the previous writing about Obedience.]
My children, now I speak to both[1] of you, My Bishops to whom I have entrusted the care of this city[2], and whom I have called to be united to this Work that I am doing here and now.
A great call, a great responsibility, a great sacrifice and offering, and a great joy for your God.
My sons, look at the witness of life of this little group of Mine, these little ones of Mine whom I have gathered here, who have remained faithful to Me through so many trials.
They have obeyed Me. What I have asked of each one of them and as a group. This obedience has cost them much. Humiliations, incomprehension, trials, deserts, and My formation in an unshakable Faith that has made them die while yet living.
My sons, these little children of Mine are docile to Me. Do not put obstacles in their way. They give to you the proper respect, they surround you with their prayer, they accompany you in spirit, and they are your collaborators and most useful workers, because they serve Me whole-heartedly.
True unity, children, comes from docility to MY WILL, MY DESIRE. The union between you is the fruit of your individual union with Me.
These children of Mine are one in My Heart, and they work so that each of My children may have this union with Me, and so that My desire[3] to have you all as one, united with Me, sharing all that is Mine, may be fulfilled.
My sons, this unity in My flock, in My Church, that you long for so much, is accomplished by Me, when you fulfill My Will.
My Church is so fragmented, wounded, because so many have forgotten Me, ignoring My Will, ignoring Me; and in ignoring Me, they do not know My Will, and as they do not know My Will, how can they fulfill it? They forget My action, and they become dependent only on their own criteria, their own ideas and desires, and thus divisions arise, the fragmenting of My Mystical Body.
How much, how much pain, My sons, at seeing this division.
Understand Me, sons of My Heart, remember what is the purpose of everything – to gather all My children in Truth, so that we may all be together in the Union of Love that is Heaven, that is the Eternal Embrace of Our Most Holy Trinity.
Help Me, sons.
I have great plans of Mercy, and I share them with you, but I need you to listen to Me.
Take a time of prayer with Me, and I will speak to your heart, I will speak to you of My Plans.
I am your Jesus, your All, Who gives all to you, and Who asks for all in return.
Do not be afraid of this little flock, they are part of My Plan, they are faithful to Me, and I want to see you united in My Will, united in My Love.
Your Jesus loves you, and gives these Words to you that come from Me; simple Words, written with a defective pen [smile], but coming from Me.
Trust in your Jesus.
May My blessing descend upon you, My little ones.
Do not be deaf to My Voice, it is the Voice that speaks to you in your heart, the Voice that speaks in My Gospels.
It is My Voice.
Lord and Master of All +
[1] Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller and Bishop Michael Boulette
[2] San Antonio, Texas
[3] Reference to His prayer to the Father on the night of the Last Supper.