✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
June 9th, 2018
From Our Blessed Mother and Jesus.
[Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. For Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller and Bishop Michael Boulette.]
Write, Florecita,
For My little sons –
It is I, your Heavenly Mother, Mary Most Holy, who gives you these Words through this means to tell you how much I love you, how attentive I am to your heart, always ready to help you with your responsibilities.
You are Priests of My Jesus and Shepherds of souls, and you carry a very heavy load of responsibilities: the essential ones – spiritual; the secondary ones – human, but which cause you so many anxieties and sleeplessness.
My little children, I see your tiredness, your efforts. Come to rest in Me, like little children; come and rest on My Motherly Heart – the Refuge that My Jesus gives you so that you can gather strength and continue on the way.
My Love nourishes you as it nourished Jesus; My Peace envelops you in God’s tranquility so that you can receive His Will and fulfill it.
My little ones, how much I love you; and, as a good Mother, I am concerned for your sake, and I accompany you in your labors. Entrust them to Me, let Me help you. [smile]
In your responsibilities as Bishops, you have MUCH to discern, decide, “sift”, to safeguard what My Jesus has entrusted to you, to guide and protect the souls that have been entrusted to you; to act so that the Truth may be able to shine in the hearts of Our children.
And sometimes you feel so little, so tired, without knowing what to do.
My little ones, I want to give you a help in the work of discernment, something simple, as a guide for you to know if something is from God or not; what will bear good fruit from that which will not; what will be of greater help for Our children.
There is so much confusion and you are bombarded by innumerable ideas, information, requirements to fulfill; that at times it is difficult to make the simple and prudent discernment that allows Divine Action together with human cooperation.
This is why I tell you this.
Children, think of that simple prayer, the “Our Father” – brief but sacred Words, full of instruction and spiritual food. Each phrase gives you Light in the work of discernment.
[Now it is Jesus Who continues]
Our Father –
Every Divine action, everything that I do and allow has its origin in Love and its purpose in uniting all of My children in My Heart.
My works have this sign always: they lead to a simpler and more profound union with Me, a filial union. It is the witness and Presence of the Holy Spirit that moves the heart to cry out “Abba, Father!”.
If something or someone produces fruits of filial union with Me, it cannot but come from Me.
The enemy only looks to divide, separate.
Who art in Heaven –
Everything that I do and allow helps My children to raise their gaze to Heaven, where I dwell. My Action, My Presence always remind you of Heaven, of the destiny that I have prepared for you – that you may dwell with Me in Love for all eternity.
The enemy distracts you from this reality.
Hallowed be Thy Name –
Everything that comes from Me gives Witness to the Truth and praises each Person of Our Trinity, moving souls to a greater love and respect for all that is Ours.
Anything that proclaims My Truth, My Life, My Passion and Death, My Resurrection, My Glory, and makes you love Me more, can only come from the Throne of God.
The demons also bend their knees before Me, but not out of true love or respect, but rather out of fear and hatred[1].
Thy Kingdom come –
Anything that increases your hope in the Glory to come, in My Victory to be manifested, comes from Me.
The enemy always looks for ways to make you forget this; to kill true hope.
The hearts of My children cry out for this Hour in which darkness shall be crushed, Light will shine freely, and everything will be renewed. Their hearts long for this Hour, even if they do not recognize it, even without being conscious of it.
That which recognizes this hunger, this longing, and unites it to the great prayer of “MARANATHA” [2], comes from Me.
Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven –
All My works, My actions, lead you to the fulfillment of this holy Will of Mine, which only wills the good of each soul. Our union, children, is manifested in the fulfillment of this Will of Mine, of your particular missions. That which is Mine always helps you in this fulfillment. Always.
The enemy always tries to cloud My Will, making it seem impossible to fulfill, making it irrelevant, making it seem like “death”, instead of what it really is, “life”.
My Will is present in what is human (on Earth) and in what is spiritual (in Heaven), and anything that helps you, that gives you light to fulfill My Will – your human and spiritual responsibilities – comes from Me.
In My Will, the fulfillment of human responsibilities always leads to, is directed to, the fulfillment of the spiritual responsibilities.
There are human things (and some even demonic) that in appearance help you in the human [realm], but they remain only on the human level as its end, and therefore they bear no fruit in the spirit. This does not come from Me.
You are body and soul, and My action always manifests itself and helps in both realms. Always.
Give us this day our daily bread –
My action in a soul, or in a certain situation, always produces fruits of a greater trust and abandonment to Divine Providence – trusting that I see all your physical and spiritual needs and that I have the desire and the power to satisfy them.
What comes from Me always leads to a greater and greater dependence, abandonment, to My action and to My Love.
It is letting your Abba take care of you. [smile]
The enemy, on the contrary, only wants to make you think and act as if everything depended on you. The exaltation of one’s own ego, the selfishness that destroys charity and the union that I want between My children.
What comes forth from Me makes you look at Me; what comes from the enemy makes you look only at yourselves.
Let us continue, Florecita[3] [smile]
Forgive us our trespasses –
Children, My works, My actions, everything that comes from Me also bears the seal of humility, it produces this fruit in souls.
The humility of recognizing one’s own faults and miseries, the being “nothing” before My Majesty, the needing My help in everything. In My works, this spirit of humility is always present – it gives Me My place as God [smile], and makes you see yourselves in My Truth, makes you turn to Me with trust and Faith in My Mercy, which overflows in the souls that trusts.
As we forgive those who trespass against us –
The fruit of humility that My action in a soul produces, leads to, produces the fruit of charity and fraternal understanding.
My action always leads the soul to make acts of charity, because, recognizing its sinfulness and its need for My help, it begins to see other souls in the same way – weak as itself, and in need of help, of God’s Love – and this leads to mutual understanding.
It is only through true humility and the recognition of Truth that fraternal charity and the mutual understanding that is so necessary in daily life can enter the soul.
The enemy hates humility because it is his antithesis, and his works lead to pride. Always. The false humility that causes so much harm.
Lead us not into temptation –
My action, My Presence, moves the soul to an absolute trust, not only in that I love it without measure, but that I also have the Power to protect it, help it, raise it up.
And deliver us from evil –
Children, the enemy always wants to hide, to pass unnoticed in order to cause as much destruction as possible.
When I Am present, there is Light, clarity, and My actions uncover the machinations of the enemy, in order to show him to My children for what he is – the enemy of the soul that hates them and Me without measure; the most horrendous being because he is completely disfigured by pride.
My Action, what I do, what comes from Me, will always unmask the enemy, will drag him out of the darkness, confusion and lies behind which he hides, so that My children can recognize his works and can reject and avoid him.
I am the good and attentive Father who “turns on” the light so that the bugs that are lying in wait for my children can be seen, so that the children can see them, avoid them, and eliminate them.
Even this brief word contains a teaching. [smile] This word reminds you of how necessary it is that you conform your will to Mine: “Let it be done thus”, “Let it be accomplished”.
To not get in the way of My Action or My Plans – to not place obstacles to the fulfillment of My Will, neither in My plans for each soul, nor in My plans for all My children.
It is to be attentive to My Voice in order to be able to follow it, cooperating with Me so that My plans, that are always Love and Mercy, may be accomplished.
My Plans are always fulfilled in the end, but I want and I ask for your cooperation; for when you refuse it to Me, unnecessary sufferings and delays come[4].
My beloved sons, your work as pastors is arduous. It is to be always attentive to Me, to My Voice, to My indications, for I am always acting in My Church, and in order to not get in My way you have to be attentive, with your sight fixed on Me only.
You have to be constantly sifting, to separate My holy wheat that is true food for My children, from the chaff and other foods that are not Mine and that are harmful for the souls of My children.
Because of this, to help you in this exhausting work, I give you these Words, indications, that you might have a help, a guide.
I have SO MUCH to give, but there are so few who are willing to receive it.
You at least, give Me this comfort, this joy, of receiving My Love made Word in such a simple way.
My sons, I have you clasped to My Heart, and I accompany you in all your labors, and if you allow Me, I wish to use you as instruments of abundant Grace for My little ones.
Remain in Me. Always in Me.
Your Jesus +
Who loves you infinitely.
[1] As I was transcribing this on the computer, the phrase from Matthew 7:21 came to mind: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the Will of My Father who is in Heaven.”
[2] A reference to the end of the Book of Revelation: Rev 22:17 and 20. “The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come.’”; “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”
[3] I had had to stop writing for several hours in order to fulfill my obligations for that weekend’s Retreat.
[4] What came to mind here was how the people of Israel, after having left Egypt, had to remain in the desert for forty years because they did not obey. The Lord had not wanted this for them.