Reach Out to Those To Save Before the Warning

By My Remnant Army

September 20 and September 30, 2024

Note from Webmaster:

As many of you know, Deacon John Martinez has been instructed to create a new ministry.  During the setup phase of this ministry we are seeing the Holy Spirit bring many new people into this endeavor and blessing them with various gifts of the Holy Spirit, including the gift of prophecy.  This new visionary is one such soul and is now under the spiritual direction of John.  She has asked that I only give her first name, Amber, from California, US.  She has been receiving private messages since 2018, but as of September, 2024, she is now instructed to begin bringing her messages to the public before the Warning occurs.  This is the first time her messages pertained to the Illumination and was received while she was in Medjugorje.  


On Apparition Hill, Medjugorje
September 20, 2024 [Vatican recognizes fruits of Medjugorje yesterday.]

Apparition Hill

BVM: You will make it there. Wait for Me. 

Everything that you ever wanted is about to happen. Trust in Me and trust in My Son.

I have brought you here to start my army. Everything starts here. This is why I brought you. This is why you have come. The moment we’ve been waiting for has now arrived. I will guide you by the hand. Nothing will get in the way. Nothing will stop us. Tell them what I’ve told you. Tell them even if they do not believe. The light of my heart descends to all. My flame of love. To ignite all the hearts around the world. Those in My remnant army. Reach out to those to save before the Warning. My son’s divine mercy can only last so long before His judgement comes. He is here with us Now sealing those on the forehead. Those that have been chosen, those that have been called. That is all my daughter. You begin the fight. You begin the purging.

BVM: Don’t cry. You have me in your heart. You’re soon to be a pure heart. Your transformation begins. You will be a beam of light to the nations. No one can stop you because no one can stop us. God the father has chosen you to lead. You have accepted despite the danger. 

Later on that evening during holy mass while consuming the Eucharist:

Jesus: My daughter you have listened and you have listened well. I send you in the night. The night of all nights. To do My holy will. Set from the beginning of the earth, set from the beginning of time. 

I love you Jesus. 


During Adoration, California
September 30, 2024 

"My daughter.  Look up at Me, what do you see?"

I see a flame.  Your flame of love.

"This flame is consumed in every consecrated host at Holy Mass.  I ignite My flame in every heart of the faithful.  My graces are endless in the willing heart, the determined heart, the persevering heart.  Do not take advantage of My love, those who receive Me unworthily.  I am a jealous God, a loving God.

My priests chosen for the coming era will pass through the crucible.  Chosen from the beginning, they are most like My Sacred Heart.  Nothing will get past them.  They will scrutinize everything.  The Holy Remnant is set.  The false prophets will come.  There will be many.

Trust Me, My daughter, when I speak to you.  Share the messages to those eager to listen.

Propagate My Holy Face.  That is the mission at hand.


During St. Michael consecration mass: 
Vision when I received Eucharist.

St. Michael is carrying me in his wings.

St. Michael: Come with me. I will help you gather them. 

The Holy Face