✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My son,
I come to you this evening as the Saviour and Redeemer of your world, because, in the very near future, you will be witnessing the fulfillment of the promises to you concerning the end times. As many of you now know and accept, you are in the end times by the experiences that you are now having, as well as by the messages that many of you have been receiving from the heavenly realms.
I am here as the Redeemer of the world, as the representative and manifestation of your Heavenly Father, as I am His only begotten Son, whose mission it is to save all of the souls, created by the Father, from the depths of hell, which is where my enemy and your enemy resides for all of eternity.
My sons and daughters, you will want to spend your eternity in the heavenly realms with your Heavenly Father, who has always planned an existence for you that is filled with His Divine Love for you, as well as for all of God’s children.
I, as your Redeemer, am coming to you very soon to save all of humanity from the evil and wrongdoing that has been perpetrated upon humanity for thousands of years by Satan/Lucifer the manifestation of all evil in the universe.
You will see very soon how the Father in Heaven implements His plan for all of God’s children here on Earth, and how I, as your Saviour and Redeemer, will implement the eternal plan of the Father to save all of God’s children from the wrath of hell.
It was never God’s plan to punish His children by death and destruction, which is the result of the evil one and his work to subvert the plan of the Father in Heaven. You must know now that there is eternal salvation. In the very near future, you will experience a Great Transformation individually and collectively, as I, as the Son of the Father, manifest upon the Earth, the Eternal Love of your Creator for all of you, His sons and daughters.
I ask of you to devote yourselves now and in the near future to prayer and abstinence from sin in preparation for the great changes that are about to take place for all of humanity. I call upon you especially now to be vigilant of the evil one’s intentions to interfere with the Father’s plan.
Certainly, you have become aware lately in your own personal lives that the evil one is increasingly hell-bent in diverting you from your profession of faith and attempting to drive you into a life of sin and distraction from your true path, while you are here on Earth.
Now, especially in these end times, you must become more vigilant of the evil one’s intention to attack each of you personally. Fear not! For I am here with you through the Great Transformation, and I will lead you on the path of righteousness that will bring all of you to the Father’s Heavenly Kingdom, when your appointed time arrives.
Each and every one of you has a path to the gates of Heaven. It is up to each and every one of you to discern the path that has been chosen for you. You must be aware and vigilant that the evil one will attempt to get youtostray away from your path and into a life of sin.
Do not allow the evil one to cause you to lose your life’s journey back to the Father in Heaven. Whenever you feel that you are straying from the true path, bring yourself to my sanctuaries of Eucharistic Adoration around the world, where I am present in the Eucharist, the Holiest of Holies.
Through your reception of the Holy Eucharist and your prayers in adoration before the Holy Eucharist, you will be protected from the evil one during these end times and the coming Great Transformation.
This is my promise to you, my children. You will enter the Kingdom of Heaven at your appointed time, as long as you do what I ask of you.
I bring this message to you with the Eternal Love of the Father in Heaven, as the Redeemer and Saviour of all of humanity.
Message ended 7:39pm
Jesus the Redeemer