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All Souls Day
Holy Family Church, Glendale, CA at 7:30am
My dear son,
I come to you today as Jesus the Redeemer of the world on a very special day in the calendar of my Church - the Feast of All Souls Day. It is on this day that we celebrate all of the souls that have been created by the Father in Heaven through His plan to share His Kingdom with all of His Children.
It is through the plan of the Father in Heaven that I am manifesting to you as the Son and the Redeemer of the world, for I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and no one will reach the Eternal Life promised by the Father, except through me as the Redeemer of all mankind.
It is important that all of you, my brothers and sisters, recognize that I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, especially in these times, for all of you are now in the End Times of the History of Salvation, and it is during these times that great changes are taking place within My Church. These changes are necessary, because the evil one has managed to worm his way into the Church that the Father has planned for all of you to reach your salvation.
Make no mistake that I am with you in these End Times, and although many of you are troubled by events which are taking place in My Church, rest assured, but remain vigilant, for I am in charge of the affairs of mankind, and I will not desert the children of the Father in Heaven. Thanks be to God!
Many of you may ask why there is so much dissension and confusion now in these End Times. The answer is not as simple as you would like to hear from the Son of the Father in Heaven. Recognize that all of you in humanity have a free will to do as you wish, and you wouldn't wish to have it any other way, but the free choices exercised by mankind through the centuries have been infected into the Church in these End Times in a way that seems confusing to many of you.
Did you not listen to and take seriously the prophecies for these End Times? It is the time now, when the Church will survive through great storms and calamities. The great storm within the Church that is causing much pain and confusion for the faithful is because the evil one has infiltrated himself even within the clergy of the Church to attempt to destroy the Father's plans for all of you.
I ask you now to remain vigilant within My Church and to remain strong in your faith in My Church, and for you to recognize that I am the Redeemer of the world, and it is through me, no mere mortal man, that you will seek and obtain the Kingdom of Heaven.
You must focus your faith directly in Me and through Me in these End Times to ultimately achieve Eternal Happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Therefore, focus your faith in Me and through Me through your participation in the sacraments of My Church, particularly in the practice of daily or regularly participating in the reception of the Holy Eucharist, but only within My Church. Those of you who frequently receive the Holiest of Holies Host will necessarily attain the Kingdom of Heaven.
I hold a special place in My Heart and in My Love for humanity for those of you who venerate My Blessed Earthly Mother, who the Father in Heaven has chosen to assist Me in bringing all of God's children back into the fold of the Church through the frequent reception of the sacraments, particularly of the Holy Eucharist.
Many of you are concerned now because of the events that have been taking place within My Church, events that have pitted pope against pope, cardinals against cardinals, bishops against bishops, and priests against priests; events that are happening because of the evil one's influence upon the clergy at the highest levels. Concern yourselves with these matters only through your prayers, for I am in charge now of the affairs of the Church, as ordained by the Father in Heaven. I assure you that the Church will survive through these times and that the Church ordained by the Father will prevail during these End Times to grow stronger and stronger through the prayers and the will of all of you, who are faithful to the Father's Son.
So go forward now, knowing that in the end of the turbulence, the Church as envisioned by the Father will lead humanity to the Eternal Kingdom of God! Thanks be to God!
Message ended 7:54am