✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Eucharistic Chapel, St Rosalie's Church, Hampton Bays, NY at 9:45am
Our Lady of Light
My dear son,
The Ship of State of the Church of My Son, Your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, has now fallen on dark and perilous times. Prepare for the stormy seas ahead for the Church of My Son, indeed, the whole world has now entered a period of great storms and darkness. The ship upon which you all most travel now is surrounded by incredibly stormy seas, and your vessel to salvation is also surrounded by the enemy that is prepared to attack you in every form that the evil one can conjure up to destroy all of you.
Alas, those enemy vessels are not only from the armada that can easily be identified as the work of the evil one, but also now an armada of a more sinister and evil nature in that the Church of My Son is now being attacked from within as well as from without. It may seem to many of you now that the Ship of the Church of My Son is fleeing from its enemies - rudderless - for the stormy seas are now rocking the Holy Vessel to and fro, so that the safe harbour in the distance is far from sight.
I am here to assure you that the Father in Heaven is looking down over the darkness and the stormy seas in which you are all struggling to survive. I also assure you that My Son will guide His Church in the finality of this journey through the two pillars in the distance that will bring you to the safe harbour of the New Heaven and the New Earth.
As always on your journey through this darkness, you must recognize that the Pillar of the Holy Eucharist should be the focus of your journey into the future. Many of you are now doubting that My Son's Church will survive the wrath of the global futurists, the moral relativists, and the secular powerful political leaders of your world, who are acting in concert with the evil one, as well as the minions of the evil one, to steer the Vessel of the Church into the darkness and into an abyss, a whirling vortex in the dark seas.
I, as Your Mother, I am the other Pillar of the Church of My Son in these End Times. I ask of you your powerful prayers in my name to Your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for He is now the Captain of the Vessel of the Church, and He will steer all of you to the safe harbour and avoid the perils presented by your Lord's enemies from within and from without the Church of My Son.
Pray powerfully now for the Pontiff in Rome, for he has been misled by those around him, and your prayers for him, as he has also requested, are necessary in these times for the Church of My Son to survive during the Remnant Times, when you will all arrive eventually at the safe harbour of My Son's Church in the future.
Do not ask me for the day or the time, for only the Father in Heaven will determine when to calm the stormy seas, and right the Son's Vessel, allowing the Ship of My Son to enter between the two pillars into the safe harbour of the New Heaven and New Earth.
So the course that you must set is now clear. Pray powerfully now, so that you too can personally navigate through the stormy waters. I am the Pillar of the Church to the port side and the Holy Eucharist is the Pillar of the Church to the starboard side. Navigate through the Two Pillars of My Son's Church and you will enter into the Kingdom of God here on Earth, as well as into the Kingdom of Heaven.
So be it! Thanks be to God the Father!
Message ended 10:15am