✞ Neither aridities, nor temptations, nor defects enter the Divine Will.
My dear son, I ask all of you as my children - and as well, as my brothers and sisters - that you now devote your journey to the return to your heavenly home through the Divine Mercy of your Lord and Saviour, My Son, the Redeemer of all humanity, for it is only through the Son of the Father that eternal happiness will be fulfilled.
The world has now reached the point of no return from the End Times events that have been prophesied to humanity since the ancient times. Just as my Son had to come to all of you in those times, he now comes to humanity to intervene in the affairs of mankind, because the enemy of all that is good has so corrupted mankind that only the direct intervention of the Father in Heaven though the Son, as Redeemer, can now save mankind from your own destruction.
Surely it is apparent to all of you now that you are deep within the End Times events as prophesied that indicates to you that the end of the darkness of the evil one as well as the beginning of the New Era for mankind is now near at hand.
This is a time for mankind that calls for the Divine Mercy of My Son, your Lord and Saviour, for all of you who seek the Kingdom of Heaven. Let me say once again that it is only though My Son that the promise of Heaven is yours, if you remain a faithful follower of your Saviour and Redeemer. Thanks be to God!
Know then that you can no longer rely on the promises of mere mortals, who pretend to be your leaders in this secular world, as well as in the spiritual world, for the evil one's demonic slaves and minions are now waging the final war in both worlds to capture souls for the dark one's plan, which is to destroy all of God's chosen ones.
I must reiterate then that you must turn only to Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Saviour in these End Times. No mere mortals should now stand in your way to turn yourselves over to the Divine Mercy of your Lord and Saviour, for only He can provide the mercy and the spiritual gifts that you will require to make the journey to return to the Heavenly Paradise that the Father in Heaven always intended as your eternal home.
Do not deter from your journey by following your world leaders or dispensing your energy, seeking newly elected leaders to change the course of events for mankind. Mere mortal leaders have always disappointed you in the past and they will disappoint you in the future, for the times of the secular leaders to make a difference in your world has come and gone, and the world leaders who turned themselves away from your Lord and Saviour through their hubris and greed for power will no longer have their way with humanity, for now all of humanity will awaken from the deep sleep imposed upon you by satan and his minions.
Now is the time that the Light of the Saviour will shine upon mankind and expose the dark ones and his minions to the followers of my Son, Jesus Christ. When the Truth becomes truly known to all of you, you will recognize that only through My Son's Divine Mercy for His children will all of you be saved from the evil one.
If you do as I say, your journey will be fulfilled through the power of the Holy Spirit and eternal happiness in Heaven shall be your reward.
Thanks be to God!