✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
St. Rosalie's Parish Garden, Hampton Bays, NY at 8:45am
My dear son,
I brought you here today to this beautiful garden setting for you to spend time in prayer and meditation before your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who died for the sins of humanity, so that you can live again in the eternal paradise that the Father in Heaven has intended for all of God's children.
I ask you, my son, as well as all the inhabitants of the Earth, to spend peaceful times in prayer and meditation in preparation for a time in the very near future, when you will be tested in ways that you are not prepared for, unless you are living a life in a holy relationship with your Lord and Saviour.
Cherish the times that humanity has to find peace and solitude, for the time will come when the whole world will be challenged by great adversity and cataclysms that are created by the evil one, who is hell-bent on destroying the earthly world and all of its inhabitants.
In this regard, pay special attention to those who call themselves the "global elites", the so-called masters of the world, for they are truly the blind minions of the evil one and, knowingly or not, they are the willing slaves, who intend to bring great pain and suffering to the people of the world, so that they can attain great wealth and power which is offered to them through their contract with satan, the ruler of all the evil in the world.
Woe to those who have fallen in line with evil, and who have become legion with the evil one, for their souls will be damned to hell for their allegiance to the evil one and their denial of the Lord and Saviour. How short-sighted are the minions of evil that they only see their fulfillment in this physical world, as they deny their true spiritual nature as gifted by the Father in Heaven. When the time comes for them to meet their maker, pray for their souls that they are given the final opportunity to make their amends to the Lord and Saviour and to beg for His intercession to save their souls from eternal damnation.
Alas, many of these minions of evil will choose, even at that moment, to turn away from God and condemn themselves to the fires of hell. Only God's great mercy, for those who ask forgiveness, will assure even the darkest souls to an eternal future of heavenly bliss. Yet, many of the minions of satan will seek darkness, and such will be their fate.
For those of you who are living in the light of the Saviour, again I ask you to take solitude now in the places where you can pray and meditate in silence and prayer, alone, and without the distractions of the modern world that has turned so dark, because of the materialism and greed.
Find your own place, each and every one of you, to meet your Saviour in prayer and meditation, for in these end times, the Saviour of the world, my Son, will come to you and heal you of your sins and pains, and to prepare you for not only the tough times ahead, but also for your final destination, a heavenly place in the Father's eternal paradise. Such is your destination, if you live in communion with your Lord and Saviour.
Thanks be to God!
Our Lady of Light
Message end 8:58am