✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
My dear son,
Just as I appeared to the children of La Salette and as I appeared to you in the message from the mountain of La Salette, (November 1, 2005), I am with you today as your Lady of La Salette, for my warnings to you today are the same warnings as the original messages from the mountain of La Salette.
My Son's Church continues to be in great crisis; as it was then, it remains now, for my pleadings to the ministers of the Church of My Son fell on deaf ears, and now the warnings that I predicted have come true in so many damaging and hurtful ways to the children of God, who worship in the One, True, Church of My Son, the Redeemer of the world.
As I warned the children of La Salette, woe to the princes of the Church who think only of piling riches upon riches to protect their authority and dominate with pride. The evil one has led many of my Son's priests, including even many of the bishops and cardinals down a path that he has chosen to destroy my Son's Church. The leadership of the Church appears now to be in disarray, because the followers of My Son recognize that the spirit of the Church of My Son has become cloudy now, and the messages that the faithful want to hear from the Church of My Son seem to be filled with confusion and misunderstanding.
The evil one has achieved his goals in these times to give the appearance that My Son's Church is in disarray. Even the direction that My Son's Church seems to be taking in terms of social issues and other issues that are of a non-religious nature, makes it appear as if the Church of My Son has lost its direction and that the purpose of My Son's Church - the salvation of all of God's children - is now directionless and without guidance.
Do not allow yourselves to be dismayed by the appearances that are taking place. The evil one only appears to be in charge to many of you, but I assure you that My Son, the Lord and Saviour, the Redeemer of the world, is working most powerfully now to guide His Church through these perilous times.
Make no mistake that a great struggle is taking place in the spiritual world as the evil one makes his final challenge to destroy my Son's Church. Michael the Archangel will eventually prevail over the prince of darkness and the Church will be renewed.
You have my assurances as your Holy Mother of the Church of My Son that it is only through My Son's Church that true salvation will be achieved. Do not fear and do not allow yourselves to be confused by events that are happening within the Church, and by messages from my Son's Church that appear to be confusing, cloudy, and ambiguous, because you must recognize that truly it is the work of the evil one in his last gasps to destroy My Son's Church that the confusion is happening.
You are in perilous times now, both within My Son's Church as well as in the whole world. The same minions of satan, who have been manipulating and controlling the world, have now intertwined their serpentine tentacles within My Son's Church to do the evil one's bidding.
The plans of satan's minions are disguised as being for the good of the people of the world, but do not allow yourselves to be deceived by these world leaders. They are operating, not only to destroy My Son's Church and to create their version of a religion by forming a one world religion, they are also acting in other devious ways to subjugate all of you into a further form of slavery than they have already achieved over the people of the Earth.
Woe to these minions of the evil one, who are exercising this power and control over you. They are hell-bent now on throwing the whole world into the third world war that they have already been waging against humanity, for it is through the chaos and confusion of this war that they hope to achieve their final goals of complete control and supervision over the people of the planet, according to their schedule to achieve their goals by the year 2030.
You need to know the timing of their plan now, for it is during the preceding years that you, as the Powerful Prayerful Warriors of My Son's Church, must rely on the power of your prayers to thwart the plans of the evil one and the works of his minions, in order for you to bring about a lasting peace in this world during the same time period and to thwart their schedule.
I call upon you now as the Powerful Prayerful Warriors and as the Apostles of the Last Days to answer My Son's call to you to enlist yourselves into My Son's army to end the reign of the evil one over the world, and to end the evil one's invasion into the Church of My Son through the works of His minions, many of whom are priests of My Son's Church, who have lost their way, because the evil one has been so powerful in convincing them that the power that they exercise is from the true Lord and Saviour in their eyes, when in reality, it is the work of lucifer, the scourge of My Son's Church.
Hear me now, my Children of the Light, I call upon you now in these final days to unite with your brothers and sisters under the leadership of My Son and your Saviour, Jesus Christ, and under the mantle of your Blessed Mother to fight the good fight against the evil of the world.
Know this now that you will prevail in the very near future. For now is the time of all times; the end of all ends.
The greater glory of the Church of My Son will be your reward when the battle is over, for My Son and Your Lord and Saviour will prevail. Michael the Archangel will purge the devil and his minions from their lofty perch and cast them into the bowels of hell.
Thanks be to God!
A New Heaven and a New Earth shall be the reward of the true followers of My Son, Your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Our Lady of La Salette
Message ended 10:10am