✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
My son,
I walk with you today, as I walk with all my brothers and sisters in these End Times. I ask all of you to bow down your heads and pray mightily for the future of mankind in these End Times, for the journey is difficult, and the trials and tribulations will only increase during these times.
But I also ask all of you, my brothers and sisters, to rejoice in these End Times, for the end is near and the future is indeed a blessing for those of you who are fortunate to experience the greatest transformation in the history of humanity that shall take place to usher in the New Heaven and New Earth, as promised by Our Father in Heaven, who has created all that there is.
Glorify the Presence of the Father in Heaven through your prayers and your sacrifices during these trying times, for it is the plan of Our Father in Heaven to redeem all of humanity, and for those of you who choose your Creator above all else, the Father in Heaven has a special plan of salvation for those of you who have answered His call.
As His Son, I have come to you throughout the ages, more fully in my actual appearance on Earth 2,000 years ago. Now I walk among my brothers and sisters again, not in the physical or visible sense, but through the Power of the Holy Spirit, I am here to answer the call of the Father in Heaven, who has ordained My Presence among you, now as before.
Today I am with all of you, who are doing my Father's bidding. I ask all of you to recognize that Your Saviour, Jesus Christ, is here among you, not as visibly as before, but as powerfully as before through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
In these end times, there shall be Twelve Apostles of the End Times, now as before. Among those chosen, I will be doubted; I will be denied; and I will be betrayed, now as before. The greatest betrayal to my Second Coming will be through those among you as Church leaders, who deny that I am here in these End Times, not visibly but just as real, now as before.
During these time, My Church will be in turmoil, due to the failure of many of the clergy to truly believe in My Presence or the Truth of My Mission. They are not only filled with doubt, but in many cases, have succumbed to the temptations and allurements of the evil one, who has enslaved many of My chosen followers, who must peel the scales from their eyes, and finally swear allegiance to the Father in Heaven, and repudiate the occult practices within My Church that are really means of worship to venerate the fallen angel of light, lucifer, who has been condemned to eternal darkness without ever knowing the true Love of the Father in Heaven.
So I ask all of my brothers and sisters to recognize the warning that you must discern the path that is the only path through Your Redeemer to the Father in Heaven. It is the righteous path through the Church that I had established 2,000 years ago, and to which I shall return as the Head of the New Church during these end times.
For the Father in Heaven has designed that the ways of the evil one, who has had his way with humanity, as well as with his attempts to destroy the Church, his evil ways will fall asunder, for the Father in Heaven through His Son, the Lord and Redeemer, will make all things new again.
I ask you to become increasingly aware of the Apostles of the End Times, for my Apostles of the End Times are scattered throughout the world to appeal to all of humanity with messages of warning in these end times, requesting that all of humanity prepare for the end times events that are soon to take place.
The transition will be swift, and through your prayers, the pain of the transition and change will be lessened, for the power of your prayers is the greatest healing force in these end times, now as before, in the ancient times.
Message ended 10:05am