✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
My children,
On the beginning of this new year, you can expect great changes for the better in your world's affairs, but only with your powerful prayers and your assistance can these great changes be accomplished, for the evil one is desperate and anxious, for he can now see that he is facing the direct intervention of the Father in Heaven through his Son and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
For the people of the world, you must watch and learn from the nations that have begun to turn themselves away from the devil and his new world order, for these nations are leading you to challenge the plan of the evil one.
For the nations who have chosen to turn away from the evil one and his demonic plans, you will recognize now the intervention of the Father and His Son in your affairs, in your governments, your institutions, your educational entities, and in all facets of your citizens' lives that there is a new awareness of who the evil one and his minions truly are.
Now is the time to defeat the evil one and you as a people in each and every nation have an opportunity now to defeat the purveyors of darkness who have planned a feudal and draconian system for all peoples. But now the Heavenly Father is here to assist you through His Son to defeat the evil one, satan, also known as lucifer, and all the demons of the dark underworld.
For the people of the United States of America, you have an opportunity now, for the first time in over 100 years, to finally defeat the draconian system that has attempted to enslave all of you through your government, your economies, and your banking system, which has been covertly and sinisterly co-opted by the evil one and his minions.
Now for the first time in your lifetimes, you have chosen leaders in your executive and legislative branches who have the motivation to usurp the power from the dark forces and return your nation to a republic that stands within the Light of your Father in Heaven, for His Son is intervening now in the affairs of your freedom and democracy to remove the evil one and his minions, who have been controlling and suppressing your interests for decades now.
Alas, the opportunity is now for you to achieve great prosperity and freedom, if you pray powerfully and assist your chosen leaders who can restore your nation to its former greatness. However, you must be aware now that the evil one and his minions are thrust into chaos and confusion by recent events. At the moment that they thought the evil one had further secured his dominion over all of you, much to their surprise, goodness has prevailed.
You must recognize though that even within the reactions of many of your family members and friends that great hatred and anger seems to have possessed so many of your brothers and sisters that they are not clearly thinking in their desperation to explain to themselves why they have lost, for they are living under an illusion that their leaders were the right choices for them, for they were deceived by the old ways, and so they, therefore, cannot see the direction of your country today moving toward the Light of the Father in Heaven.
Your country is in great danger now, not as much from outside sources, as from your very own people, who through their anger and hatred, their disillusionment with the results of you elections, and because they are so misguided by their own leader from the Other Side, even though they may not recognize that he is controlling their thoughts and behaviours, that they may act out with extreme prejudice against your newly elected officials. The forces of darkness and their leader, satan, is and will be encouraging them to act in the most violent ways against anyone, who they perceive as their own enemy, for they cannot see or recognize that they are acting out in the interests of the prince of darkness.
Your powerful prayers and your continued support for the new leaders in whom you believe is necessary for their protection as well as their ability to lead. Many of you may be confused by the direction of your country, because you are questioning the wisdom of your leaders, but rest assured that the Father in Heaven and His Son, your Redeemer, have chosen your leaders, even with their flaws, because the Father in Heaven has His plan in effect and the results will give you the assurances that you may now lack in your faith and trust in the direction of your country.
Prayer and support of the new direction of your country is essential, for you are now moving in the direction of a great transformation through your new leadership. But again, I must warn you that the forces of evil are desperate and dangerous now and are planning to sabotage your progress in the most sinister ways. It is up to you, the powerful prayerful warriors, to support your leaders who you discern are doing God's work and to pray powerfully for their direction and guidance.
Alas, the Pontiff in Rome and those who counsel him at the Vatican have chosen a course that is not always compatible with the plans of the Father in Heaven. The Pontiff and his conclave have been deceived by the worldly leaders and power brokers whose agenda is the new world order, and it is necessary now for the Church of Rome to recognize the power of the Holy Spirit that is moving in a different direction to bring a New Heaven and New Earth to all of God's people. Perhaps, the Pontiff in Rome will listen to the new direction that the new leaders of the world are hoping to lead you, which is away from the old order that has been secretly and covertly thrust upon all of the peoples, as well as upon the Church of Rome.
A New Day is Dawning - the Day of the Lord - and all of you, both clergy and secular, must recognize that things are not the same today as they were yesterday. You must all recognize that the power of the Holy Spirit is in the air and that great changes are coming to the Earth. Your prayers and your support will be necessary to enable the great changes to take place, resulting in the Great Transformation and a New Heaven and A New Earth.
Thanks be to God!
Our Lady of Light
Message ended 2:16pm
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