✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
Meditation Garden, St Rosalie's Parish, Hampton Bays, New York
Our Lady of Light
My dear son,
When I chose you to be a faithful follower of My Son, Your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, I did not choose you because you were flawless and without sin. Only you know best how difficult your journey has been to follow my wishes for you to convey My Son's Messages to the rest of the world.
Many times it is difficult for the people to believe in the messages of God's chosen messengers, because the messenger is never as perfect as the perfection that others seek in order to follow the messages. And so it is with many of your leaders who have been chosen by the Father in Heaven, and by My Son, and at times, with the intercession of your Heavenly Mother. The least of you, who would be considered as messengers and capable of carrying the Lord's words to God's children, are in many instances, exactly those who are chosen to serve the Lord and His plan for the salvation of humanity.
All of your brothers and sisters are dealing with their own issues and missions that have become part of their journey here on Earth, and there are many instances, such as in your own circumstances, where the Lord and Saviour personally calls upon an unsuspecting servant to set aside worldly pursuits. The Father in Heaven, and His Son, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, and in many instances with the intercession of your Heavenly Mother, chooses many of you in these end times to speak out as voices in the desert, for the Father in Heaven is now fulfilling the ancient and modern prophesies to intervene in the affairs of mankind in these trying, yet exciting times.
Such is the case now with some of your world leaders, who are standing up courageously against the draconian influence of the demon satan, who has maintained a steadfast grip on humanity for many centuries now through the evil one's manipulation and control of those who call themselves the global elites, who are the unfortunate minions of the evil one, and who are lusting for power and control over Gods' children here on Earth.
Let the word go forth through this message that your Heavenly Mother is speaking to you now in very strong terms. Now is the time for all of God's children to support your leaders who are fighting the good fight against the architects of the one-world order designed by satan, who spits defiantly against his own Creator. For it is the demon himself, who is fully in control of the globalist system of power and control that is attempting now to fully implement satan's evil plans to enforce the subjugation of all of God's children into a society of slavery, and to a new world order that is the demonic dream of the evil one.
The evil one has chosen well those of you who have easily fallen for the world of power through greed and corruption that the demon incarnate has implemented throughout the world. Now is the time that the veil is being lifted for the rest of humanity; the veil that exposes the naked evilness of those who have fallen in with the evil one.
The cast of those who have fallen into league with satan is now being truly revealed in their own actions and words, as the minions of satan are now becoming totally enraged by the recognition that the Father in Heaven is now intervening into their control, and they fear greatly that as they are becoming more fully exposed to the rest of you that they will lose their power and control over you.
So be it! For this is the plan of the Father in Heaven, to cut the chaff from the wheat, and to cast the chaff into the abyss along with their leader, satan, lucifer, the evil one.
So I call upon all of you as your Heavenly Mother. Become vigilantly aware of the affairs that are happening globally throughout your world. The times are changing now as the revealing of the evil is accomplished through the mission of my Son, the Redeemer of the world, who is now fully involved in turning the tide against the evil one and his followers.
But the Father in Heaven is calling upon you now to support your leaders who have the courage to stand up to satan's draconian empire, for it is not through any one leader or group of leaders alone that the evil one will be defeated. His demonic defeat will result from, first of all, the increasing awareness by all of God's children that the evil one's minions have been stealthily exercising a power and control over the rest of you for many centuries now, and that they have exercised such power only through their knowledge of the ancient occult secrets that the evil one has employed to ruin mankind.
The veil is lifting now! Trust yourself only to the Father in Heaven, and through His Son the Redeemer of the world, as well as through the power of the Holy Spirit that is pouring forth throughout the world increasingly in these end times, until all of God's children see the Light of the Loving Father in Heaven that will permeate throughout the whole world in the blink of an eye, permeating thoroughly within each and everyone of you and illuminating your souls, so that at this coming time, the veil between Heaven and Earth will be fully lifted and the deception of the evil one will be fully exposed.
At this coming time, the evil one will then ultimately lose the eternal battle for all souls, because the truth will be self-evident - that it is the Love of the Father in Heaven that sustains all of you. It is the Love of the Father in Heaven in these times that is being manifested through and within many of the Father's children, who are called upon in these times to lead all of you in the Father's direction.
It is this Light, Love, and Knowledge that the evil one and his minions fear the most, for the evil one knows deep within his evil soul that his days are numbered.
The Bright Light of the Father in Heaven through the Power of the Holy Spirit is about to pour forth over Earth, restoring Earth and its inhabitants to the Creator's original glory here on Earth.
So be it! For the Father in Heaven has ordained that there shall be a New Heaven and a New Earth!
Thanks Be To God!
Message ended at 9:11am
Our Lady of Light