✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
April 2, 2018 @ 12:45pm
St Rosalie's Parish, Eucharistic Chapel, Hampton Bays, New York
St Michael Archangel
"In the name of Jesus Christ!
I command you...
I compel you...
I expel you...
from my mind and body,
spirit and soul!"
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! He is risen!
Time and again since the original crucifixion and death of Your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, the Son of the Father is risen in the hearts, minds, and souls of the Father's children.
The Son is risen to make all things new for humanity. Time and again you must celebrate the Resurrection of the Father's Son who is Your Redeemer, for it is the Resurrection of the Son that teaches all of humanity that your humanness here on Earth is only temporary, but your life with the Father in Heaven is for an eternity, so it is ordained by the Father in Heaven for His children.
In these times, while you continually and continuously must celebrate the Resurrection, you must also be aware that your own transition from this earthly life to the eternal life in Heaven is only through the redemption of all of God's children to the Father in Heaven only through the Son, Jesus Christ.
You must also be aware that your salvation from the enemies of your Heavenly Father, His Son, and all of the angels and saints in Heaven, including your Heavenly Mother, is only through the Son as the Redeemer and that the enemies of Heaven, the evil one, satan, and his demons and minions are hell bent upon the destruction of humanity.
They are particularly virulent in these end times in their attempts to destroy the spirit and soul of many of God's children so that you must be most vigilant now to interfere with the evil one and his intentions by calling upon the name of Jesus to defeat any infestation or possession by the evil one and his demonic spirits upon any and all of you who are God's children.
I as Michael the Archangel, the defender of all of God's children, call upon all of you to invoke the following prayer to thwart and destroy the evil spirits, demons, and minions of satan who are attempting to infest and infect humanity to destroy the spirits and souls of God's children.
The evil one and his minions will not be successful in their plans to attack and infest, and even possess you, if you invoke the following prayer and command, repeatedly and frequently, as I command that you direct the following prayer against satan, his evil minions, and all of the evil spirits and entities that are now attacking all of you here on Earth. Repeat the following prayer to protect yourselves:
"In the name of Jesus Christ!
I command you...
I compel you...
I expel you...
from my mind and body,
spirit and soul!"
Repeat this prayer powerfully and often for the salvation of your very own spirit and soul in the afterlife, as well as within your mind and body, spirit and soul during your earthly life. Promulgate this prayer among your family members, friends, and all of those who you can reach in your ministry to save God's children from the ravages of the evil one.
The power of this prayer repeated and shared throughout the world and practiced among all of God's children will go a long way in assisting in the ultimate defeat of the evil one and his minions.
You who count yourselves among the powerful prayer warriors of the Father in Heaven and of His Son must particularly promulgate this prayer of deliverance from evil especially now in these end times, for the Father in Heaven has chosen this particular time in these end times to bring together His children in prayer and meditation with the most powerful intention of the Father in Heaven to cast out the demonic evil and dark influences that are affecting so many of you in these end times.
So take this command seriously and implement it continuously into your prayer life. The world will become a better place if enough of God's children invoke this powerful prayer and expel the evilness from much of humanity and cast the dark energies of the evil one into the darkness in further preparation for all of humanity to witness a New Heaven and a New Earth.
"In the name of Jesus Christ!
I command you...
I compel you...
I expel you...
from my mind and body,
spirit and soul!"
Thanks Be to God!
Message ended 1:07pm