✞ What victim means.
January 2, 2018 @ 9:33am
St Rosalie's Parish, Eucharistic Chapel, Hampton Bays, New York
Jesus the Redeemer
My son,
I come to you today as Jesus the Redeemer of the world because, in these end times, many who claim to speak for me will deny My Presence among you.
Who is the liar? He who denies my existence; he who denies my return to lead humanity to redemption; he who denies My Presence in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist; and he who, therefore, ultimately denies that I am the Son of the Father in Heaven, who has chosen His Son to redeem humanity.
How shall you recognize the truth among so many who speak in my name during these end times? Know this: that there are many among you who speak on behalf of me, so they say, but they do not speak for me. There are many among you, be they prophet, priest or pope, or person, who do not know me and do not speak for me.
Therefore recognize that those who claim to speak for me, but only speak of me, can be recognized for their falsehood and failings, for they speak for the evil one, for the antichrist, and perhaps are themselves the antichrist of the end times, for the serpent, the snake that the antichrist is; he is the end times serpent that has many heads.
Recognize now that I have returned to mankind in the end times in Spirit, not as I came incarnate over 2000 years ago. I am just as powerfully among you today as I was then, and there will come a time very shortly when those who have doubted my role will be forced to face their Maker, the Father in Heaven, and to beg forgiveness for their transgressions against the Father in Heaven and His Son the Redeemer.
For those among you who persist as doubters, following the great warning, there will be no hope for salvation; for salvation will only come through the Father in Heaven who has blessed His Son the Redeemer to save all of humanity.
Recognize now that I have gifted humanity as Jesus of Nazareth with the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist which to this day and until the very end of the end times is your most precious link with your Redeemer.
Again I say unto you, any prophet, priest or pope, or person who does not recognize My Presence in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist may speak of me but does not speak for me.
And those who deny My Presence in the Holy Eucharist be he prophet, priest or pope, or person, shall be speaking for the antichrist. For the evil in the denial of the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist is the denial of My Role as the Redeemer of Humanity.
So the antichrist, the serpent who has many heads in the end times, this antichrist is any person among you, who denies My Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist.
So knowing this now, all of you who call yourselves Prayer Warriors on behalf of My Role as Redeemer of humanity must recognize that the gift of the Real Presence of My Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist is the gift that you must treasure and embrace as your regular spiritual practice to partake in this sacrament.
Especially blessed are those among you who partake in the Holy Eucharist not just regularly but daily as part of your prayer life, for you are the true followers of the Father in Heaven, and through His Son, you will be especially blessed in your place of eternal life in the Heavenly Realms.
A warning to those of you who claim to speak for the Father in Heaven through His Son, the Lord and Saviour, who deny the gift of the Holy Eucharist. You may speak of me, but you do not speak for me when you do not recognize my gift to humanity in these words: 'Do this in remembrance of me'!
All of my brothers and sisters here on earth must recognize now that you are deep within the end times when events will happen much to the disappointment of the Father in Heaven, of His son the Redeemer, of your Heavenly Mother, and of all the Angels and Saints, but know that you are protected by all in the Heavenly Realms from the worst of the events that are yet to come, because of your faith in Me and because you partake in daily prayers that include the reception of my gift to you in the Holy Eucharist.
Remember, my brothers and sisters, you have been told through the ages: 'Do this in remembrance of me', and your eternal life will be secured in the highest reaches of the Heavenly Realms.
Thanks be to the Father in Heaven and His Son, the Redeemer of the world!
Message ended 9:57am
Message from Ned Dougherty:
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