✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
March 2, 2018 @ 5:30pm
St. Ambrose Church, West Hollywood, California
St Michael Archangel
Lo and Behold!
I bring to the people of the United States of America a Special Warning!
As you all know, your country is going through great changes, but few of you know that these great changes are being brought about by the Father in Heaven through the intervention of His Son, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world. Most of you do know that the Lord, Jesus Christ is indeed the one and only Redeemer, who the Father has charged to save the world in these End Times; and the Redeemer's journey here on Earth in these times is felt by many of you who are the powerful prayerful warriors who have answered the call to see humanity through these End Times.
Many of the changes that are being brought about within your country are intended to bring God's children closer again to the Father in Heaven and the Redeemer. Little did you know that the political events resulting in changes in your legislation and laws are slowly but surely bringing your country back within the fold of the Father in Heaven, His Son, Your Heavenly Mother, and all the Angels and Saints in Heaven, who are also praying powerfully now for your country.
The nature of my warning is that all of you must be aware that satan's minions are casting about in fright of the events that are taking place to their detriment as well as to the detriment of the evil one, the master of the minions of the new world order, and of the secret and occult societies that have been secretly and stealthily leading your country down an evil path to world domination, fueled by the forces of satan.
Most powerfully now they are about to react violently and savagely, because for the first time in their grip on humanity they are recognizing the winds of change that are blowing their evil way, and they are now reacting in fear that their centuries' old plans for world domination are beginning to unravel.
They will not take this inevitable defeat lightly. Among their sinister plans, they are calling for the assassinations of your leaders who stand in their way; they are fomenting anger and hatred among the people of your country, many of whom are blind to what is actually happening; they are fomenting wars, leading to world wars that they have been planning for decades now, particularly a third world war which they will utilize as a distraction and a deception that is intended to turn your leaders and their energies to focus on land wars, so that they can avoid the spiritual war which the evil one and his minions know that they will loose. The thought terrifies them that they should lose power and control to the people of your country, resulting in peace and prosperity for the people at the expense of the powerful elites who have been controlling you for decades now.
You must take the necessary steps now to protect your children from the events that the evil one and his minions are planning. You may have recognized that the dark forces are focusing on young adults and children, attempting to sway their hearts and their minds away from the Father in Heaven and away from His Son as their Redeemer by promising the young people solutions that may seem beneficial at first, but that are ultimately to the detriment of the young as well as the older citizens. The evil one is cunning in his ability to appeal to young and impressionable minds, so he and his minions are attempting to brainwash and mind-control the young people to the point that they will be turning the young against their parents and grandparents, just as they have been fomenting hate among the people over the color of their skin, or their religion, or their core beliefs.
The beliefs and values that you must instill in your children are the same as most of you were traditionally taught, but the evil one has been introducing new and occult ways for your children to follow so that they become enslaved to the ways of their new world order. Do not let this happen!
During these end times, you must all turn to your family members and friends, particularly the children, and it is your responsibility to teach them the values that you cherished in your youth, for the evil one will be attacking you and your children unmercifully in these times to lure your children away from you and to further divide the families and the generations.
Make a concerted effort now individually and collectively through your family and friends, through your prayer groups, through your churches, places of learning, and institutions to defeat the mind-control attempts by the evil one and to instill the power of the Holy Spirit in all that you meet and to all that you reach.
This plan is crucial now that you follow the influence of the Holy Spirit and now more than ever before that you bring all of your family together and recognize that the fight is not among all of you with your opposing views on what ultimately will be less important and even frivolous views, the fight now is between the Father in Heaven and His Son the Redeemer against the forces of the evil one and the minions who are attempting to perform his work to create a new world order, a draconian plan of enslavement over all of you with the evil one and his minions as the global elites, who believe that they should be above and in charge of all of you.
Be careful as you proceed for the times now are going to become increasingly more dangerous for your leaders who are now directly in harm's way of the evil one who will stop at nothing to assert his power and control over all of you.
But his efforts are for naught for the Father in Heaven through His Son the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shall overcome and force the evil one and his minions into the eternal pit of damnation. For so it is written in the Word of God, just as it is written that there shall be a New Heaven and a New Earth.
Thanks be to God!
Message ended 5:56pm
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