✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
@ 12:30pm
At "The Rock", Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Eastport, New York
Notre Dame de La Salette
I come to you today as Notre Dame de La Salette, and once again I have led you to this special shrine as a place that I cherish for my sons and daughters to gather during these trying times in My Son's Church, for in the very near future all of My Son's children and your Heavenly Mother's children will be led to places of worship within My Son's Church that have been chosen for the true remnant followers of My Son's True Church to gather in prayer and worship to see you through these End Times, which shall with certainty lead to a Great Transformation and a renewal of the world leading also to a New Heaven and a New Earth for My Son's true followers.
Now more than ever before in My Son's Church, my warnings through the centuries to those of you who have listened to my messages have come to take roost in your world. As I had warned the children of La Salette in 1846, My Son's Church had become infiltrated by priests who were and are cesspools of impurity. These priests fell into the snare that had been set by the evil one and his minions here on Earth, who were and are hell-bent to displace the Father in Heaven's plan for humanity with a counterfeit plan of deceit and deception.
The last several centuries have seen the increase in demonic activity and behavior within the very confines of My Son's Church to the point now, as has become readily seen, that many of the very priests, bishops, and cardinals who have been charged with the preservation of My Son's Church are now exposed as the very followers of the evil one, who is attempting to destroy My Son's Church.
As I had prophesied in many of my messages, there would come a time when the true followers of My Son's Church would be gifted with the ability to discern those among you who are doing the work of the Father's enemy by cloaking themselves in the clerical collar and robe as the leaders of My Son's Church. But alas, now those evil followers of satan are being exposed within the very clergy that has the responsibility of defending the faith for all of you, my children.
Now comes a time in these end times, when those among the clergy who have fallen in sin and who have adopted the plan of the evil one are being exposed for all of you to see, if you have been gifted and have accepted the gift of discernment to recognize the wheat from the chaff in My Son's Church.
This is a time now in these End Times, when it becomes the responsibility of the true followers of Christ to begin the rebuilding of My Son's Church from the bottom up by brave men and women who are the true followers of My Son and who have been given the responsibility in these end times to rebuild My Son's Church.
When the Remnant Church foundation has been established, it will transform My Son's Church into the Church of the End Times that will assist you as the powerful prayerful warriors in transforming Christianity and the future of the Christian world in the Church that The Father in Heaven has always intended for the sons and daughters of the Father in Heaven, who are redeemed on this Earth through the Son, the Redeemer, through His Church as it has been ordained by the Father in Heaven.
So Be It! Thanks be to God!
In this regard, the true followers in the Remnant Church that has been sanctified by the Father in Heaven must retain the sacraments and sacramentals that have been gifted to you by the Father in Heaven through His Son, the Redeemer. Most of all, the followers of my Son's True Church must rely on the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist as your primary sword of love to steel the Church of My Son through these end times, for the veneration and partaking in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist through the True Church is the most Holy Link that connects all of you through the Son to the Father, leading you to an eternal future in the Heavenly Realms of the Father, as He has intended.
So now the plan is clear for all of you, the true followers of the Church of My Son. You must retain all that is good within My Son's Church and exercise the discernment of all that is bad, all that has been corrupted in My Son's Church.
You must also discern those who within the hierarchy of My Son's Church have been guilty of commiserating with the evil one in the corruption of My Son's Church.
During these end times, there shall be a purification of the leaders of My Son's Church, and of the priests, bishops and cardinals who have fallen astray. My Son's Church must proceed into the future, free of the corruption of those leaders who have been tarnishing and damaging My Son's Church by their embrace of the demonic new world order, and their embracing of globalist policies that are hoaxes and ploys to divert your attention from the true purpose for the existence of My Son's Church - the salvation of souls of all of God's children through the Holy Sacraments of My Son's True Church.
So the message should be clear now to all of you. Through your own personal and prayerful discernment, you must move forward with confidence and strength to gravitate as a family, as a group, and as a congregation to the places of worship where the Remnant Church of My Son is being formed within the greater Church that has become so corrupted and stained by the evil one.
From the bottom up and from the inside out, you powerful prayerful warriors, you brave men and women through your prayers and your works will rebuild the Remnant Church of My Son until the true and glorious Church that was always intended for mankind becomes self-evident to all of you.
When that time comes within My Son's Church, the New Heaven and New Earth will be established and all of you, the true followers of Jesus Christ, My Son the Redeemer, will be rewarded for your faith and belief in all that has been promised to you by the Father in Heaven, through His Son, the Redeemer.
So be it! Thanks be to Go!
Messages ended 1:03pm