✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Lo and Behold!
Now the time has come! For the forces of good and evil are brought to the Valley of Darkness and Death for the great battle of the ages which is about to commence between the forces of evil and the goodness that emanates from the Heavenly Realms where the followers of the Father in Heaven will share with the Father the Eternal Paradise that has been promised to each and every one of you by the ancient as well as the modern prophets.
But the promise of a heavenly paradise has been promised to you most profoundly by the journey of the Father's Son here on Earth 2000 years ago. There should be no doubt in your minds that truly the Father's Son is the Redeemer of all humanity as it has been written, and you, the followers of the Son, Jesus Christ, shall inherit the Heavenly Kingdom because you have been faithful to both the Father and the Son.
You must continue in your faith and in your resolution to defend the honor of the Father in Heaven and of His Son, Jesus Christ the Redeemer, and of your Heavenly Mother, for in these times more than at any other time before, the forces of the evil one - of satan and lucifer, and of moloch and baal - are aligned most powerfully now to try to destroy mankind and all of mankind's accomplishments that the Father has graced upon this Earth for the good of humanity.
The final battle is about to begin. Do not look for signs in the heavens or a powerful voice warning you that the battle has begun, for the battle has existed since the beginning when the forces of the dark angels protested their allegiance to the Father in Heaven, their Creator. Yet those who chose the darkness instead of the Light of the Father have fallen under the spell of the light of lucifer, both in the eternal realms as well as the earthly realms.
But now the final battle will soon begin. The whisperings that are warnings to you have been for a long time now present in your own subconscious mind, but now perhaps you are hearing - not the trumpets in the air - but the soft inner voice that is telling you the time has come, the time to prepare for the final battle.
The drum roll may be heard in the air, but it is the interior voice of the Father in Heaven inspiring you to don your armour, for the final battle is imminently before you.
In your politics and within your governments, you are witnessing how the evil one is spreading chaos and confusion throughout the world because he is desperate now. His new world order conducted by his satanic minions is unraveling before the evil one's eyes, and he is now desperate to bring the fury of hell to the inhabitants of the Earth in his final battle against mankind.
He already knows that his attempts are for naught because in the end the Father in Heaven will prevail and the evil one will lose. So now what you are experiencing is that the evil one's minions here on Earth, who have been perpetuating and promoting this counterfeit new world order, are beginning to unravel and even to explode in rage because they have sworn their souls to the evil one, who is now commanding them to recklessly pursue his goals to destroy humanity.
So now is the time for you to recognize that within your governments the followers of satan are becoming more aggressive and demanding of the evil programs and propaganda that they are conveying to you, because they are beginning to recognize that their leader satan is no different from any earthly leader from the past who deceived his followers and wreaked havoc, violence, and war on the face of the Earth.
Now is the time to identify those who are operating from darkness in trying to deceive the good people of the world. They will make the mystery easier for you to identify them; for they are melting down collectively now into rage and fury from the realization that they are losing the elusive power and control over humanity that they thought they were entitled to under the collective delusion of evil that satan infused upon their troubled minds.
It is time now to not only be vigilant as powerful prayerful warriors but to also pray for the conversion of those souls who have been overwhelmed by the evil one. It is not too late to remove the scales from the eyes of the unknowingly as well as the willingly deceived, who still may be brought to the Light of the Father in Heaven.
The time is now to offer up your powerful prayers for the souls of those who are currently facing damnation. For the time will come soon when the Trumpets from Heaven will finally be heard very loudly, so that all souls on the face of the Earth have a conscious awareness of the path of good versus evil and to choose the right path.
For the time will be short before the Redeemer will cut the wheat from the chaff, and the evil one and all of his loyal minions will be awarded a place of eternal damnation!
So be it!
Thanks be to God!
Message ended 9:18 am