✞ All that the Queen Mama contains has its origin in the Fiat.
February 1, 2019 @ 12:00pm
Eucharistic Chapel, St. Rosalie's Church, Hampton Bays, New York
St Michael Archangel
Lo & Behold!
I am Michael the Archangel, Protector of the Unborn, and I come to you to speak to the People of the United States of America!
A dark cloud has now fully descended over your country, brought on by the sinister and evil enemy of mankind, the demonic beast of depravity and murder, who has infested himself in a particularly vicious way upon his minions. They have been doing his bidding ever since they turned their souls over to satan, individually and collectively through their occult societies, in their greedy search for wealth and power in your world.
Now these minions of satan have been given their marching orders in your country to increase their hold and control over human life which they have been doing successfully by introducing legislations and laws that dehumanize the very sanctity of life from the moment of conception in the mother's womb until the very last breath of life that God has intended for all of the souls who have been conceived into mortal life.
Do not fail to recognize that these minions of satan have fully turned over their souls to satan in return for the rewards they anticipate in this earthly life. In effect, they have assured their eternal damnation in the fires of hell in the absence of their coming into the light and recognizing the evil of their ways.
Woe to those who have supported and voted for the laws against life which effectively spit in the face of the Father in Heaven; your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ; his Heavenly Mother Mary; and all the angels and saints. Those minions are doomed to eternal damnation unless they repent and find Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, before it is too late.
Your country is now headed into darker and darker times because of the recent laws that have been proffered to you the citizens of the United States, laws that are intended to deny the personhood of all souls from the moment of conception to the very act of their blessed birth, only to be torn apart in their physical bodies and to scream in pain as their intended journey here on Earth is terminated by those among you who have blood on their hands.
Damned are those who promulgated these laws and who have performed these acts of murder upon the most innocent victims, the children who are lost to this world, as well as upon the mothers of these children who in many instances did not fully comprehend or know what they have done.
As the Protector of All Human Life, I cannot overemphasize the grave danger to your country because of the abominable sins that are taking place to destroy the children of God in the womb as well as the ghastly murder of your children out of the womb. Your political leaders and legislators who supported these unjust laws will burn in hell for all eternity with their leader satan, unless they are saved through the forgiveness of sins.
It is incumbent upon all of you as citizens of this planet and as powerful prayerful warriors to do everything in your power to end this ghastly procedure of terminating life both in and out of the womb. This barbarous and ghoulish behavior on the part of many of you who permit this abortion and culture of death must end. You must do whatever you can to end this deadly practice once and for all. The time has come now to interfere with those who are killing God's children.
In the absence of a concerted attempt to turn the tide against the culture of death, the worst disasters that you can possibly imagine will descend upon this planet and particularly upon the United States of America which has now become the most barbarous nation on the planet due to its promulgation of the culture of death.
Search your heart and your conscience now to seek what it is that the Father in Heaven is asking you to do to end the murder of your children and, therefore, to restore the future of your country as the Father in Heaven has ordained.
Recognize the evil that resides in the hearts and minds of those among you who are directly responsible for this culture of death. These minions are marching to the orders of the evil one, satan, who is breathing his last gasps in an attempt to destroy humanity. His future is already cast permanently in hell. His minions are also most assuredly headed to hell unless through the power of prayer they are saved and brought back into the fold of the Body of Christ.
But I warn you that satan's minions are fully under the control of the evil one, and it is their goal to restore the ancient and occult evil practices of sacrificing innocent children to baal and moloch, their perverse and ancient gods of sacrifice.
Do not be dissuaded by smooth-talking politicians, both men and women, who speak of a woman's right to choose as reproductive health. These smooth-talking snakes are hell-bent on destroying not only humanity but civilization as you now know it.
The Father in Heaven has other plans for humanity and the Father through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the intercession of your Heavenly Mother will prevail in the end.
The evil one, satan, lucifer, baal, moloch, and their minions will be cast into the eternal flames forever.
Thanks Be to God!
Message ended 12:24pm.