✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
My dear son,
I come to you today on All Saints Day as well as on the eve of All Souls Day, for I want to remind you once again that it is on these two days of the year that I assist many of your brothers and sisters in their journey to Heaven.
These days are a time for reflection on all of your brothers and sisters through time that have made the journey here to Earth and have struggled with the experience of living in a physical body, as well as the transition to your Heavenly Home, where the physical is released from the soul and the glorious journey with the Father in Heaven is achieved.
I ask all of you as powerful prayerful warriors to pray especially on these two days for your brothers and sisters as well as for yourselves so that your journey here on Earth, as well as your journey home, is rewarded with the Beatific Vision and the promise of the Eternal Paradise for such is the desire of your Creator that you return to the Heavenly Realms which is your home. Thanks be to God!
In the meantime here on Earth, My Son's Church is in great crisis because the leaders of the Church have become infiltrated by the evil one and his demonic minions who are hell-bent to destroy My Son's Church and to replace it with their new world order church which is not of the Father in Heaven, nor of His Son, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of all mankind.
The crisis has become so severe that even the Vicar of My Son's Church in Rome has lost his way and has embraced the works of My Son's enemy. The Vicar of My Son's Church has succumbed to embracing the new world order of the global elites who are doing the bidding of the evil one here on Earth.
The signs and warnings that the current Vicar was weakening and misleading the flock became apparent several years ago when he first publicly embraced the evils of the new world order. Since then through his pontificate, he has become increasingly not only a part of the problem in My Son's Church but even a leader who is leading God's children astray because he has lost sight of the mission of My Son's Church to lead all of God's children in the saving of their souls with a concentration on the divine journey as opposed to the earthly journey.
The Vicar has lost his way by concentrating on the earthly journey and on social justice issues rather than concentrating on the saving of souls.
For this reason, I ask of you My Children that you center your spiritual journey here on Earth on My Son as your Saviour and Redeemer and to not rely on anyone but Him to ease your journey and your return to the Father in Heaven.
Do not desert My Sons' Church but don your armour and prepare for the journey ahead to defend My Son's Church which will not be destroyed by the evil one and his minions, for the Church will arise again when the battle is fought during these End Times.
My Son's Church will arise again through the works of all of you My Children from the least among you to the most prayerful among you.
The Church of My Son will arise again after these difficult times ahead through those of you who are the Powerful Prayer Warriors who clearly see the vision of the Father in Heaven to bring His Son's Church through these end times from where the Church will arise stronger than ever with the assistance of your prayers and good intentions.
The Church of My Son is the foundation upon which you will all contribute to rebuilding My Son's Church as it otherwise crumbles around you.
Do not lose sight of the fact that the Father in Heaven is in charge, and He will see to it that His Son's Church will survive and be stronger because of all of you, the faithful remnant, who will sustain My Son's Church through these end times.
The journey will be difficult as you already know but be assured that that Father in Heaven, His Son Your Redeemer, your Heavenly Mother and all the Angels and the Saints are praying for all of you who do not desert My Son's Church, for all of you shall inherit the Eternal Paradise that the Father in Heaven has promised you.
Thanks be to God!
Message ended 3:25pm