✞ Before dying, the soul must make everything die in the Divine Will and in Love.
St Rosalie’s Parish Campus, Hampton Bays, New York
Lo and Behold! I am Michael the Archangel, Defender of the True Faith of Your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am also the Defender of all the people of the world who aspire to live lives of freedom and justice for all of God’s children, for you are the Children of God who devote your lives to the fulfillment of your mission, as it was ordained by the Father for all of you who recognized Jesus Christ as the Father’s Only Begotten Son and Redeemer at the very moment of your eternal creation.
On this day of remembrance, you remember and pray for the many souls who were taken on that fateful day while they were going about their innocent duties and tasks of life which gave them the ability to create a home life, raise families and cultivate their children and friends in a Judeo-Christian environment that was the plan of the Father in Heaven for all of God’s Children.
On that fateful day, men of evil-doing, who were inculcated into a demonic globalist cult, committed acts of Jihad against God’s children. The past twenty years since that fateful morning have not relieved the pain and suffering, and loss for those of you who are the victims left behind. To add insult to the injury and loss, many more victims have also fallen from the aftermath of that fateful day.
Many of you may rightly ask why did God allow these acts of terrorism to happen in a world that he had created? No one grieves more fully for the souls who passed on that day and for many days thereafter than the Father in Heaven who grieves for all his children who come into this world with a mission from their Creator and get caught up in a world that is not of the Father’s making, but of His eternal enemy, satan, the fallen angel who is responsible for all the pain, suffering, and sin in this world.
Remember then on this Day of Remembrance who you truly are. You are one of God’s Children, a perfect spirit and soul infused within the physical body which carries you through this earthly journey – until the time that you return to God in the Eternal Realms that He has prepared for all of you who recognize that God the Father has gifted you with the knowledge that His Only Begotten Son was incarnated into a physical body to travel the Earth 2,000 years ago with a message to all of God’s children that He is Your Only Begotten Saviour and Redeemer as ordained solely by the Father in Heaven.
Any other – who pretends to be ordained by God or to have a mission from God who does not recognize Jesus Christ as your only Saviour and Redeemer – is a fraud and imposter and must be recognized as such, for it is written in the Scriptures as inspired by the Father in Heaven that Jesus Christ, the true Son, and Redeemer is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and the way to the Heavenly Realms is only available to those of you who recognize Jesus Christ as Saviour and Redeemer.
So be it! Thanks be to God!
As you observe this Day of Remembrance, Prayer, Prayer, and more Prayer should be your most time-consuming activity. Pray for those who died on that fateful day; pray for those who lingered and died days, months, and even years later. Pray for those who were sent to fight, became wounded, and died in the globalist wars that were created as opportunities for satan’s minions to enrich themselves at the expense of your young brothers and sisters from lower and middle-class families who are always recruited to fight the rich man’s wars.
Make no doubt that there were minions of satan recruited and motivated by a satanic cult Jihad – who committed acts of terrorism and war on that day, but Jihad has been used as a banner by this cult for hundreds of years and this war against your Judeo-Christian culture has not ceased and will only continue with deadly effects into the future. The Judeo-Christian countries of the west are now more than ever the target of the Jihadists who are also the willing dupes of the globalist elites – who are minions of satan and the enemy of the Judeo-Christian – Western nations which are now more than ever vulnerable to attack from the Jihadists.
The greatest abomination to the Judeo-Christian world is that your governments, your institutions, your places of higher learning, your mainstream media conglomerates, and other entities are the willing and leading minions of satan who are hellbent on destroying Christianity and dissolving the nationality and sovereignty of the United States of America, whose founding had been inspired by the Father in Heaven. Now you have illegitimate leaders installed in a coup perpetrated and planned by the Global Elites and implemented by globalist corporations, particularly in the high-tech industries and the media, acting in coordination with the China Communist Party which is now being utilized as the Globalists’ Enforcer to implement satan’s New World Order.
For decades, satan’s minions have engineered ‘endless wars’ to enrich themselves as well as to sap the energy of American families by creating acts of terrorism against you to perversely motivate your sons and daughters to fight their wars against unforeseen enemies without geographical identities and borders. After twenty years of mismanaging the death and destruction since that fateful day, the Globalist Elites intentionally created a terrorist nation in the Middle East which will now join a sinister group of Jihadist countries along with the Communist Party of China to create a Third World War Alliance against the United States of America and any other nationalist and sovereign nation that will stand in the way of their satanic globalist plan to create a godless New World Order.
While many of you are not only saddened by the remembrance of that fateful day twenty years ago, you are further saddened now by the failure of your nation to defeat the Jihadists and the Globalists. The Globalists believe that the installation of the illegitimate regime in Washington and a puppet leadership that has been compromised by greed through covert payments from the Communists has given them the final nail in the coffin of the nationality and sovereignty of the United States of America.
Unfortunately for mankind, the Globalists through their materialism and greed have also permeated the systems of health care worldwide creating a medical dictatorship, and, as you were warned in past messages, there is now a sinister plan executed by the enemies of the Father in Heaven to manipulate and control the health care systems globally, not with the intention of improving health care, but to do exactly the opposite, to the detriment of all of you. Greed, the deadly sin of greed, and control, the attempt to force power and control over all of you, are the weapons of choice by this sinister and shadowy group, the Globalists.
As you have been warned in previous Messages from Heaven, be aware of the dangers of the medical options that the Globalists are offering to you now as means or methods of cures, for much of the practices in the modern world that are presented to you as being for your own betterment are just the opposite; methods that are intended not to cure but to monitor sickness and illness but to control and eventually eliminate you.
But you must fear not for your personal safety or your health! For the Father in Heaven, Your Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are now manifesting themselves more fully, creating a mantle of healing Love over the planet bestowing you with a greater awareness and recognition of the Healing Waters of the Father in Heaven to thwart the sinister chemical concoctions that the Globalists have designed and implemented to control and ultimately annihilate God’s children.
Although many of you fear that this war is already lost, recognize now that those of you who desire to save your republic represent the majority of the citizens of the United States of America who believe in America first and the nationality and sovereignty of the United States of America. By focusing on the USA first and rebuilding your country that the Globalists are attempting to destroy, you can then proceed from a position of strength and being right with Your Lord and Saviour while you begin to rebuild the world from the bottom up. Remember that you are in the majority of both the citizens of the USA as well as the citizens of the world who disdain and loathe the plans of the Globalists who are now increasingly more exposed as to who they are as satan’s minions as well as to their demonic plans to enslave the whole world.
Now you must act with a firm resolve! After this Day of Remembrance and grieving is over, it is time to act without delay! The future of the United States of America is at risk! Do not delay for one second!
I am calling upon the Powerful Prayer Warriors to lead others now in prayer and meditation to seek the guidance of the Father in Heaven as well as His Son the Redeemer Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. You must pray for guidance to restore the United States of America as a shining example to the rest of the world. You must organize your majority and restore a Judeo-Christian God-fearing leadership to all your elected officials in local, state, and national elections. While you are achieving this goal, the Father in Heaven through His Son will be intervening in the affairs of mankind and as prophesied in the ancient Scriptures will remove satan and his minions from the face of the Earth and cast them into the bowels of Hell!
So be it! Thanks be to God!
So I ask of you now – Don Your Armor! Pray and then implement your personal plan in conjunction with the leaders who you recognize are acting in the best interests of making your country even greater than it once was, by strengthening the nationality and sovereignty of the United States of America.
I know you believe that you are the underdog and many of you believe that your efforts will fall short. I ask you to recognize that you are doing the work of the Father in Heaven and His Son the Redeemer, and you have the Father’s prophecy that He will intercede in the affairs of mankind through the return of His Son, the Redeemer.
And knowing this, what is it that you have to fear?… And, lastly, I will be guiding and supporting you through the finality of these End Times Days!
So be it! Thanks be to God!
Message ended 10:47 am
Two Near-Death Experience Prophecies from July 2, 1984, to Ned Dougherty:
“A major terrorist attack may befall New York City or Washington D.C., severely impacting the way we live in the United States.” (page 252-253)
“The greatest threat to world peace and preservation will come from China which is preparing itself for global war and domination by building the largest army in the world.” (page 252)
-Quotes from Ned Dougherty’s book FAST LANE TO HEAVEN, published March 2001
37 YEARS OF MISSION! (1984-2021) We need your financial support to survive this year – 2021 – Who thought it could turn out to be worse than 2020? Stay tuned!
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