✞ The soul: Paradise of Jesus on earth.
I come to you today for the first time as Our Lady of Fatima in honor of the worldwide day of prayer that many of you as Powerful Prayer Warriors have initiated in celebration of the 105th Anniversary of my appearances to the children of Fatima.
I must first tell you… that Heaven hears you and your Heavenly Mother hears you!… as you are praying the Most Holy Rosary for your personal intentions as well as your intentions for the whole world.
The Father in Heaven and His Son, Your Redeemer, hear you and support you in your cooperation with the Heavenly Realms to defeat Satan and his minions at this most important time in your world’s history.
The Angels and Saints, your family members and friends, and all the souls who have joined us in the Heavenly Realms hear you and support you in your most important mission to defeat the evil one through the power of the Most Holy Rosary.
I appear to you today as your Lady of Fatima, for my message to the children of Fatima 105 years ago is most relevant in your world today.
As I warned the children of Fatima, many nations may disappear from the face of the Earth, as Russia becomes the instrument of chastisement to punish the whole world. Now the leader of Russia has not only invaded another country, but he is threatening to unleash a nuclear holocaust against his enemies. I do not want this possibility to become a reality in fulfillment of my Fatima message, for I urge you to recognize that the Most Holy Rosary is the greatest weapon of all mankind, and through your prayers today, you can turn the tide against the evil of Satan and his minions through the Most Holy Rosary.
Now that you recognize the reality of my warnings to the children of Fatima, you must heed my warnings to you today that you must turn to the Heavenly Realms through the power of your prayers – particularly of the Most Holy Rosary – to avoid a nuclear holocaust and to defeat Satan and his minions. This is the final battle – the battle of good versus evil – that the ancient prophecies as well as the most recent Messages from Heaven have referred to.
Sadly though, not all chastisements can be prevented due to the sins of mankind and the failure of so many of God’s children to recognize the existence of the Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior, but also because so many of God’s children have abandoned their mission in life to pursue a dark life, particularly of avarice, greed, and lust.
The evil one is now fully engaged with your Heavenly Mother in the final battle, and Satan knows what most offends the Father in Heaven, so he has now set about capturing the greatest number of souls, especially those souls most devoted to the Father in Heaven.
Perhaps you may understand now why so many of God’s children who professed to a religious life have fallen away from the Church or have remained in the Church only to contribute to its destruction. You must pray for the souls of those who have fallen away from their religious professions.
The Father in Heaven knows how unmerciful the devil has been in attacking and winning over members of the clergy, and in finality, His Divine Mercy may prevail over them. However, your prayerful intentions for the fallen away clergy, as well as for your family members and friends, may make the difference in the salvation of many of their souls.
Finally, my mission today is to warn all of you about the imminent danger with which all of you are faced if God’s children remain obstinate in sin.
Consider yourself warned once again!
Message ended 12:39 pm
MESSAGE FROM NED: Although the ‘”Messages from Heaven” were interrupted during the past four months due to cardiac problems and my resultant open heart surgery, expenses have increased. Please consider making a monthly and/or annual contribution.
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