✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I saw Mother all dressed in white, with the crown of twelve stars around her head; her arms were open arms in a sign of welcome, on her chest was a heart surrounded by the crown of thorns, her bare feet were resting on the world and under her right foot there was the old enemy in the form of a serpent.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, I love you, I love you immensely. My children, I am happy to see you gathered here in my blessed woods; I receive your prayers and place them at the feet of God the Father.
My children, God, the Father of immense mercy, loves you with an infinite love, He knows each one of you and loves you.
My children, I come to bring you a message of love and to warn you of what can happen, to put you on your guard, so that you may open your hearts and entrust yourselves to the Lord.
Children, whatever trial you may be living, offer it to the Lord, say your "yes", your "here I am" in complete freedom; nothing is imposed on you, but requested with immense love.
My children, open your hearts to the grace of the Lord and He will do wonders in you.
(Then I saw Jesus on the cross and a soldier struck him in the chest with a spear and came out blood and water. Then Mother continued)
Behold my children, my beloved Jesus gave his whole self to the last drop of blood for you for your salvation; my children, nourish yourselves with the blood and body of my and your beloved Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist, confess so as to be forgiven. My children, there is no sin so great that it cannot be forgiven if you approach the Lord with a contrite and humble heart.
Ask forgiveness humbly and with love through holy confession.
My children, as the Lord forgives you, forgive your brothers, do not bear grudges, do not be irate and hostile, but open your heart to the Lord and He will flood it with true love and will give you the strength to face any difficulty.
I love you my children!
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having come running to me."