✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I saw Mother, she had on a very pale pink dress, a pink belt at the waist, a light blue cloak on her shoulders, a white veil on her head and around her head a crown of twelve stars, arms open in a sign of welcome, and with both hands she was holding a holy rosary made of drops of ice; her feet were bare and rested on the world, crushing the head of the old enemy in the form of a serpent.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, here I am coming among you once more.
My children, seeing you here this evening fills my heart with joy; I welcome your prayers, I lay my hands on the heads of some of you to heal you both physically and spiritually.
My children, open your hearts, allow the grace of the Father to enter, let the Holy Spirit blow who shapes and moulds you.
My children, place your right hand on your heart and listen to your heartbeat; the heart of God the Father beats in unison with yours, because He loves you, he loves you with an immense love; do not reject His love, let yourself be rocked by His immense love like newborn babes in the arms of their mother.
My children, once again I come to tell you that hard times await you; I tell you this my children, not in order to scare you, but to make you understand that this is no longer the time to waver, and to wait, but the time to decide, to decide whether to be with the Lord or against Him. There are other roads , other routes, or you are with him or against him.
My children, the time of doubt, of "but" and "if", is over, now it is time to decide; you can no longer be lukewarm, remaining between the two choices is no longer granted to you: either with the Lord or against [Him].
I love my children and I want you all to be saved.
My children, pray, convert your hearts, entrust yourselves to my Immaculate Heart and be not afraid.
Children, I give you a special blessing, I also bless all those whom you carry in your hearts.
Thank you for having come running to me. "