✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This afternoon, [Our] Mother appeared all dressed in white; the edges of her garment were golden. The veil that covered her head was also a transparent white with golden borders. Her feet were bare and rested on the world.
Mother had open arms in a sign of welcome, in her right hand was a long white Rosary made of light and in her left a tiny flame.
Mother was smiling but you could tell by her eyes that she was sad.
Praised be Jesus Christ
"My dear children, thank you that today you have again responded in large numbers to this call of mine.
My children, today I come to you as the Mediatrix of Grace, in order to be able to send you away with your hands and hearts filled with every grace.
Most beloved children, I ask you once again to pray. Make your life a continual prayer. Learn to praise and thank God for everything that he gives you. Learn to pray even when it seems impossible to pray.
In the darkest and most impossible moments of your day, take the Holy Rosary in your hands and pray, as what seems impossible in your eyes is not so for God.
Children, today I also invite you to form prayer cenacles in your homes. The cenacle is the little flame of love that makes God happy.
Children, I ask you to advance the plans that God has for the woods of Zaro; pray, pray, pray. Do not be afraid and do not turn away because of man's judgment; above everything is there is an indisputable judge and he is God. Judgment belongs to him alone.
Do not worry and do not assume burdens that have not been given to you. Each of you has a task and each of you is important in the eyes of God. "
Then Our Mother blessed everyone in a special way. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.