✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I saw [Our] Mother dressed all in pink, a very pale pink, she had a white veil on her head and a blue mantle on her shoulders, the Holy Rosary between her hands joined in prayer.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, I love you immensely and to see you gathered here fills my heart with joy.
My children, I come to ask for prayer, prayer for my beloved Church, for my favoured son, the vicar of Christ; the supreme Pontiff has a great task, his task is arduous.
(The vision begins: the dome of St. Peter's in Rome cracks and from it dense black smoke comes out; in the ancient square the old enemy in the form of dragon advances with steps that make the ground shake, with the tail he destroys the colonnade of the square, from his mouth come out blasphemies and curses, a horrible smell and a nauseous green vomit.
At the of the great steps of the square is the Pope, Pope Francis with the mitre on his head and the crozier in his right hand; he is sitting on a very luxurious chair, he rests the elbow of his left arm on the armrest of the chair, bows his head and covers his face with his left hand. On his right and left there are many priests sitting on simple chairs, all wearing black cassocks.
Now the square is covered with corpses, in particular very many rotting priests' corpses, eaten by worms; the old enemy in the form of dragon continues to advance towards the Pope, crushing and trampling the corpses, some he takes hold of with his mouth and throws away, others he devours, on others he vomits.
Pope Francis stands up and bangs the point of the crozier on the ground three times, all the priests around him get up, as if with a roar they begin to pray and it starts to rain, the rain falls and becomes a fire which burns and consumes everything it touches, including the ancient enemy.
The vision ends and Our Mother resumes.)
My children, I love you immensely; do not seek the Lord in signs, my children but seek him in prayer, do not look for love in the falsehoods of this world that give you a momentary and false joy and false; seek true love, that which only the Lord can give you.
Remember, my children: where your treasure is, there will your heart be! My children, make your only treasure the Lord Jesus alive and true in the Blessed Sacrament.
My children, I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."