✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I saw our Mother bathed in light: her dress was a soft pearl grey, a white veil went from her head all the way down to her bare feet, the veil was being blown backwards by the wind, her right hand was resting on her chest and her left stretched forward with the Holy Rosary resting in it.
Praised be Jesus Christ
"Dear children, I love you, and seeing you here fills my heart with joy. My children, I thank you for what you give me, but the most welcome gift to me is prayer, prayer said with the heart, the simple prayer of the one who loves.
My children, do not always be ready to judge - judgment is not for you but only for God the Father; He is a good and merciful Father, but also just, and will give to each person what they deserve when the time comes. My children, you can put on a mask and pretend with other men, but not with God the Father; He knows your every thought, your every action, he knows the number of hairs on your head, He knows everything about each one of you and [yet], despite your imperfection, your smallness, He loves you, loves you with a love so immense that He gave you his Son, his only-begotten for your salvation. My children, entrust your whole life to God the Father: He will walk step by step with you in your life, and in the hard and painful times He will bear you in his arms.
My children, I love you immensely and through the immense love I have for each of you, I ask you once again for prayer: prayer for my beloved Church, for this world: now its fate is sealed (ormai la sua sorte è segnata) - but you, children, continue to pray.”
Then Mother looked down and bowed her head; I followed her gaze and saw the world covered with black smoke, dust and small stones [lapilli] as if from an immense explosion, sounds of war – it screams and shouts. Then the mushroom-shaped smoke of the bombs. From [Our] Mother's eyes fell a tear that stained her face and fell on the world, stopping and silencing everything.
"Children, too many of my children are suffering and asking for help; my heart is torn by all this, but children, the crimes, the abominations against the smallest, against the innocent, cry out for vengeance before God.
My children ,pray, I beseech you, pray, pray! I love you immensely: if only you understood how much I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me."