✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This evening [Our] Mother appeared as Our Lady of Zaro.
Her dress was very white, soft as silk and full of light. The mantle wrapped around her was light blue, about her waist was a golden belt with a rose on it, a heart of roses on her chest and a rose on each foot. Between her hands was a very long white Rosary of light that came right down to her feet. [Our] Mother had the world under her feet.
Praised be Jesus Christ
"Dear children, thank you that this evening you have again responded in numbers to this call of mine. My children, once again, after such a long time of my presence among you, I invite you to pray. Pray, my children, because hard times await you. Pray for my beloved Church and for my beloved sons. Children, they are the most tempted by the evil one. My children, this evening I again come to heal and to touch you, I walk among you and give you peace. Children, tonight I grant you many graces, as many as the stars of heaven. My children, for some time now I have been trying to tell you that the messages that I give you should not only be read but lived out. Everything I tell you is for your good, it is like a pearl that is given to you. The pearl must be shown, and all that I tell you lived out. Be instruments of love and peace; great things are not needed, but small gestures. From how you behave it will be understood that you are my children and that you are God's children. Therefore, children, be teaching through small gestures, great things are not needed, but little signs really demonstrating the presence of My Son in your life. Children, I ask you not to make my beloved Son suffer any more: He gave his life for each one of you and would do it again. His life is precious as is that of each one of you for me. I am your Mother and I love you, I love you immensely and I pray for each one of you and for your salvation”.
Finally [Our] Mother blessed everyone in a special way.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen