✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
This afternoon [Our] Mother presented herself as the Queen and Mother of all Peoples. She was enveloped in the whitest of lights, dressed all in white with golden edges to her garment. Our Mother had the world under her bare feet; in her hands folded in prayer was a long Holy Rosary of light.
To Our Mother's right was St Michael the Archangel: he was very large, like a great leader, with his sword drawn and glistening, held still, pointing down over Italy.
Mother was sad and a tear was falling down her face.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
"Dear children, thank you that today you have once more responded to this call of mine.
I love you, children, I love you immensely, and seeing you here in large numbers filling my blessed forest fills my heart with joy.
My children, I come to you today to implore you once more to pray. Please children, pray, open your hearts and let me in.
Dearly beloved children, hard times await you, but do not fear. I am beside you and I pray and implore mercy for each of you. My children, I beg you not to judge but to forgive; judgment does not belong to you but to God.
One of the most serious sins is that of thinking that you are not forgiven by God. Do not think this, little children, there is no sin so serious that it can not be forgiven. Ask forgiveness, entrust yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, and so I will lead you by the wellspring of love that leads to my Son Jesus. My children, once again I ask you to make confession and to stay before my Son, present in the Blessed Sacrament, at least ten minutes a day.
Pray, children, pray for the salvation of all humanity, and pray to St Michael the Archangel to protect Europe. Pray and do not fear. I love you and I hold you all in the cradle of my heart; you are my children and I hold each one of you as my son Jesus.
Pray once more for the holy Church and for all my chosen children. I bless you all specially and bless all the priests gathered here."
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.