✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
I saw [Our] Mother dressed all in white - on her head she had the crown of a queen and around her head a crown of twelve stars, and a white veil covered her head; the mantle went from her shoulders down to her feet and the edges moved as if in a light breeze; her garment enveloped her but at the level of her legs it spread out like a bell, covering her feet. Her hands were clasped like a cup and held a small white dove between them.
Praised be Jesus Christ
"Dear children, I come to you to ask you for more prayer, prayer for my beloved Church, for my sons of predilection [i.e. priests], for all those who have said their 'yes'.
My children, pray for all those who are seeking peace on wrong paths, seeking happiness and love by turning to magicians, sorcerers, mediums, fortune-tellers, and not to the Lord [who is] truly alive in the Blessed Sacrament.
My children, fill your spirit wth prayer: only in the Lord is there peace, only in him true love! Children, be reconciled with the Father through Holy Confession; feed on my Son through the Holy Eucharist.
My children, do not seek happiness on wrong paths that lead nowhere, that deceive you; magicians, sorcerers, mediums, fortune-tellers only lead to deception, evil, falsehood. Seek the true love that only God the Father can give you; pray, my children, pray, invoke the Holy Spirit in order that he might fill you, mould you, found you [vi fonda], grant you every grace and blessing.
Do not curse, my children, but bless, pray for those who do evil to you and love those who hate you.
Children, what I ask is not impossible: follow the example of my and your beloved Jesus, ask him for strength.
Children, in the eyes of your brothers seek the Lord's face, in the eyes of the sick recognize my beloved Jesus in agony on the cross.
My children, love and pray.
Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me."