✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
This evening [Our] Mother appeared all in white. In her clasped hands was a long white rosary light reaching almost all the way down to her feet. Mom was wrapped in a large light blue cloak studded with glitter. Her feet were bare and rested on the world, where we could clearly glimpse scenes of war. Mother was sad and her face was streaked with tears. To her right was Jesus crucified; under the cross were seven angels, all in light, holding seven golden chalices. With the chalices they were trying to collect the blood dripping from the body and head of Our Lord Jesus.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, today I come to you as the Queen of Peace, to open your hearts and give you peace. Beloved children, once again I invite you to pray. Pray, little children, may your life be prayer; entrust and surrender yourselves into the arms of God. Beloved children, this evening I again come to help you, and all my admonitions should not be a reason for passing judgment or leaving: I have been sent to save you. My children, my son Jesus has a plan of love and salvation for each of you. My son Jesus wants to treat you as children and not as slaves. This world and its false beauties make you slaves. Be free, be joyful, even if in order to reach eternal salvation you must go by the cross. My children, the cross edifies, the cross saves, the cross purifies you and gives you resurrection. Only through the cross will you be able to reach eternal salvation. My children, hard times await you: the Church will be persecuted, and there will be many martyrs. But do not fear, I will be beside you and protect you. My son told you: - Blessed is the one who trusts in the Mercy of God. Pray much for this Synod on Mercy. God alone is the judge and he is the true Mercy."
Then Mother blessed everyone, especially the priests present.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
[P.B. I don't know if there is any special significance in the sentence 'pray much for this Synod regarding Mercy' (Pregate molto per questo Sinodo sulla Misericordia) - it's not wholly clear whether this means to pray regarding mercy in connection with the Synod, or is simply a mistake on the visionary's part.]