Messages from Our Lady to Simona & Angela

By Our Lady of Zaro

Message of Our Lady of Zaro to Simona, December 8, 2016

I saw Mother bathed in light; she had the crown of twelve stars around her head and a white veil studded with gold dots, on her shoulders a blue mantle, a white dress that enveloped her, a golden belt around her waist that highlighted her womb. Mother had a beautiful bright smile but tears in her eyes.

May Jesus Christ be praised

"My dear children, seeing you here this evening fills my heart with joy and I am particularly happy to see these young boys in my blessed woods. Dear young people, the future is in your hands: pray and teach how to pray, put the Lord first - may love for Him form your days - offer everything to Him, including moments of joy and amusement.
My children, pray!
Children, I come to you to bring you Jesus: be ready to welcome him in your heart, let him flourish in your lives, in your families.
My beloved children I again ask you for prayer, prayer for my beloved Church, hard times await her.
My children, I love you immensely, pray to the Lord that he might send good laborers into his harvest.
My children, offer every moment of your day to the Lord.
Children, learn to say to God the Father, "Thy will be done"; do not only call upon Him to ask, but learn to call upon Him for everything in your life, to thank Him, to rely on Him, to love Him and rejoice with Him for all your victories and to cry with Him in all your pain.
My children, I love you immensely and am always beside you, whether you suffer or rejoice; I will never leave you alone, it is you my children who turn away from me.
I always listen to your prayers, it is you my children who close your hearts and do not listen to my voice, my calls of love; but I, my children, am always here with open arms, ready to welcome you.
I love you, my children.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."



Message of Our Lady of Zaro to Angela, December 8, 2016

This evening I saw Mother dressed all in white, on her head a large very light blue mantle that went almost all the way down to her feet. On her head a crown of twelve stars. Her hands were clasped and between them there was a very beautiful Rosary of pearls that gleamed. Under her feet, the world, and on it there was the ancient enemy; Mother was holding him fast with her right foot. Mother had a beautiful smile, but you could see that she was sad, she was hiding her own pain like a mother does with her own children.

May Jesus Christ be praised

"My dear children, I thank you this evening, on a day so special for me, that you have again hastened into my blessed woods and responded to this call of mine.

I love you children, I love you immensely and I am here to give you my peace and the peace of my beloved Jesus. Beloved children, this evening I again come to ask for prayer for the whole world and for my beloved Church.

Pray children, pray, make your life a continuous offering and prayer to God. Kneel in front of my Jesus and ask for forgiveness for everything that happens in the world and for all the sins that are committed.

Pray! Prayer is a powerful weapon, and with it everything can be alleviated.

My children, the earth will shake again, it will shake so much. Many will be the nations that will be annihilated and the waters will flood whole lands until it makes them disappear. Little children, with this I do not want to scare you, I am your Mother and I keep you all under my mantle. Unfortunately it is man who turns away from God, creating for himself false idols and false ideologies, prefer to rely on the false beauty that the world offers him, not thinking about saving his own soul, but only satisfying his own needs.

Children, if I tell you all this it is because I love you, I want your eyes to be opened, and so that when the time comes you might be ready and prepared like true disciples. There will be moments of darkness and discomfort, many will turn away from God, but many will be converted and will see the light.

Then Mother told me: "Look."

I saw St Peter's Basilica; its walls were shaken as by an earthquake, however then I began to see that through the colonnade the ancient enemy was going quickly. He was like a great dragon with great paws, his steps were noisy, everything was moving. Mother said: "The Church will be attacked, there will be a period of great doubt on men's part, many will turn away from her but then everything will shine and shine more than before."

Finally, Our Lady took off her mantle and put it on the church. I began to see a great light, and to feel a strong sense of peace.

Then Mother went among the pilgrims. She touched many present and said: "I love you children and I protect you all. I place you in my Immaculate Heart and under my protection."

Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.