✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This afternoon Mother appeared in an immense light. She was dressed all in white, shining, she was wrapped in a great blueish mantle; even her head was covered by the mantle. In her arms she had the Baby Jesus, wrapped in white swaddling clothes; he was very small and was crying. Mama held him tightly to her chest. Mary and Baby Jesus were surrounded by many angels who were singing a beautiful melody. Mother was very beautiful and had a very beautiful smile.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you for responding to this call of mine on this day of such importance for me and for you.
My little children, here for you is Jesus, the King of kings, the Savior. Here for you is the light of the world.
Little children, today I ask you to open your hearts and be filled with the love and grace that Jesus came to bring.
Little children, My Son became small and gave himself with great love to each one of you, but .... many did not receive him and today still do not receive him.
Please pray for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of humanity. Little children, My son is here and wants your salvation and the salvation of the whole of humanity.
Little children, I beseech you, be small, become small like children, make your life a continuous offering to Jesus, especially in trials.
Little children, I ask you to be humble and meek, do not repay evil with evil, but turn the other cheek. I ask you to be witnesses of my immense love, love that I have for each one of you; no matter that sometimes you have to suffer, offer it with joy and your pain will turn into joy. "
Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I saw Mother dressed all in white, around her head the crown of 12 stars and a long mantle with edges as if made out of white fur that enveloped her and went all the way down to her feet; the mantle was closed at the front with a brooch in the shape of of a stylized golden rose; in her arms covered by her mantle was newborn Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
"Dear children, I love you, seeing you here fills my heart with joy.
My children, here I come to bring you Jesus (and saying this she moved the mantle away and showed Jesus in swaddling clothes). Here children, let him be born in your hearts, make space for him in your life, He will flood you with a love and a peace without equal: only in him is there true peace, true love, true joy. My children, give yourselves completely to him; children, look at this baby - so small, so fragile, so innocent, he gives himself totally to you, he did not regard his divinity jealously but humbled himself by becoming small and even more so in becoming bread in order to give Himself to each of you ceaselessly, without holding back, giving himself completely. And you, my children? What do you do for him? Learn to love, to entrust yourselves to Him, let him be born in your hearts, embrace him, wrap him up, console him, cuddle him, love him; only thus will you have true peace, that which only God can give.
My dear children, I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me. "