✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This afternoon, Mother appeared with Baby Jesus in her arms.
Mother was dressed all in white and Jesus too was dressed all in white. Mother was holding him tightly to her chest; in her hands Mother had a rosary which went almost all the way down to her feet. She was bathed in a great light and was smiling.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, thank you that you have again responded today to this call of mine by rushing into my blessed woods.
My children, today I ask you to rejoice with me; please children, rejoice. The children of God are children of light and joy. "
Then Mother said to me: "Look."
I saw many scenes that passed before me, like so many scenes of visions I had already; in particular there were scenes of war, violence, earthquakes, volcanoes exploding, peoples who were killing each other and persons quarreling with one another.
"You see daughter, all this makes me suffer so much, but this is not God's work but the work of men. It is men who in turning away from God create and make all this happen, entrusting their lives into the hands of the prince of this earth.
Little children, I and my Son have something quite different for you, we do not want all this, but we want you to love one another.
I beseech you, children, put the commandment of love in the first place; open wide your hearts and let me in.
Little children, what will happen will be terrible, but I am your mother and I promise that I will hold you close to my chest just as I hold my Son Jesus tightly.
I love you, children, I love you immensely and I will not allow evil to be done to you.
Little children, I beseech you, hold the Holy Rosary tightly in your hands and pray, prayer will give you peace and love and make you shine like flames."
Then Mother went with Baby Jesus and touched and blessed some sick people individually.
Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I saw Mother, she had a pinkish dress, blue mantle, a white mantle on her head and the crown of a queen. Her hands were folded in prayer, her bare feet rested on the world.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I love you!
Children, pray: do not wait until you are in need or in trouble to pray; entrust your lives to God, pray to him every day, thank him for all that gives you, do not only seek him in times of need.
My children, once again I repeat: there is no sin that can keep you away[*] from God, there is no error that cannot be forgiven! Draw near, my children, to the sacrament of reconciliation. My children, the Lord awaits you with open arms.
Children, the future, salvation is in your hands (and in saying this Mother opened her hands that were folded in prayer and showed the Holy Rosary).
Children, I listen to all your prayers, but it is not those who say "Lord, Lord" who will be saved, but whoever prays with a pure and sincere heart, those who live the Holy Mass each day, those who love with true love, who are ready to offer themselves to Father.
My children, learn to pause in front of the Blessed Sacrament, kneel in his presence.
My children, listen to me, I love you, pray.
My children, still pray much for my beloved Church, increasingly afflicted, despised, mortified; pray for my beloved sons the priests, they are those who should guide you on the road that leads to the Lord.
Pray, my children, that the Lord might send you holy priests, pray for the holiness of all his ministers.
My children, I love you immensely, I receive your prayers and place them at the feet of God the Father.
My children, I beseech you, pray.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."
[* Translator's note: it is clear from the context and subsequent words about the sacrament of reconciliation that it is not being said here that there no such thing as mortal sin that prevents a person from being in a state of sanctifying grace, but rather that God's mercy is always available to the repentant sinner]