Message to Angela from the Blessed Mother

By Our Lady of Zaro

January 26, 2016

This afternoon [Our] Mother appeared all dressed in white. The mantle wrapped around her was blue and studded with glitter. On her head was a queen's crown. Her bare feet rested on the world, her arms were open as a sign of welcome and in her right hand she had a rosary that emanated rays of light touching those present.

May Jesus Christ be praised

"Dear children, thank you that this afternoon you have again responded to this call of mine. Thank you children, thank you! I love you, I love you immensely and my greatest wish is that all might be saved.

Little children, the way of holiness is steep and winding, everything belonging to God costs effort; do not forget, children, that you are all children of the Cross, you are all children of God.

Dearly beloved children, once more I come to ask you to pray for the salvation of the whole of humanity. I ask you to make your life a continuous prayer: learn to thank and not always to ask.

Children, this is a time of prayer; learn to hold the rosary tightly in your hands and learn to do good to those who are in need and far away from my Son Jesus. Learn, by your example, to make my Son Jesus known through you.

Children, I love you immensely and today I come among you and touch you, I give you graces and healings. Testify to all this by your example and your faith!

I caress you and hold my hand on your head."

Then Mother laid her hands on and prayed over those present. Finally she blessed everyone specifically. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.