✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
Translated by Peter B.
I saw a small cradle surrounded by Angels: within it Baby Jesus was sleeping, next to the cradle was Mother all dressed in white who was watching over Jesus.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
"Here children, on this day my beloved Jesus comes to the world. Look how small he is, [how] defenseless, needing care and love: He the creator of heaven and earth, the Almighty, did not regard his divinity jealously but chose to become small, small in order to be like us, to be with us, solely out of his immense love; he grew up as a man and accepted to be crucified, carrying on his shoulders all your sins, He who is without sin, all out of boundless love, in order that he might give you life, true life.
Then he gave himself to you as bread, good and holy bread, nourishment for the soul and body, but you, my children, too often despise the holy bread, and insult it[/him], you scorn and offend all that He has done for you, and yet He continues to love you and to give himself for you, to you.
Children, look at this little one, so innocent, so tender, so little: he gave himself to you completely, and yet he chose to be born in utter poverty, in utter humility; learn to be humble of heart, good and ready to give yourselves to Him.
My children, on this day of joy and happiness, voices of rage, pain, cries of pain reach my ears.
My children, a great but short war is almost at the door - pray my children - now it can no longer be stopped, but pray that it might be alleviated.
Pray children, pray for my beloved Church, pray for her and for my favored son, the vicar of Christ.
Now I give you my Holy Blessing. Thanks for having hastened to me.