✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
I saw [Our] Immaculate Mother. She had a white garment with a golden belt around her waist, a white veil on her head, a blue mantle on her shoulders, arms outstretched in a sign of welcome, in her right hand a Holy Rosary. Her feet were bare and rested on the world, and under her right foot was the old enemy in the form of a serpent.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Here I am, dear children: once again I come to you to ask you for prayer: prayer for my beloved Church; for my favoured sons [i.e. priests], prayer for all those children of mine who are far away from my Immaculate Heart, who insult and offend it; for all those children of mine who are seeking peace, love on wrong paths; for all those who refuse the sacraments on their deathbed; for all those who wound my heart with indifference, envy, hatred; for all those who in the hardest moments see death as the only solution. Pray for them! My children, pray!
Children, it is in the hardest moments, in the moment when the battle grows fiercer, that my children clasp the Holy Rosary tightly to themselves and pray with greater force!
My children, I love you. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thanks for having hastened to me."