✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
This afternoon, Mother appeared all dressed in white. The edges of her garment were golden. Mother had a large transparent mantle that enveloped her: it was studded with glitter. Mother had her hands clasped in prayer and a long rosary of light in her hands, reaching almost all the way down to her feet. Under her feet she had the world, where scenes of war could be seen. Mother had a crown of twelve stars on her head giving off great light. Mother appeared as Queen of the Holy Rosary.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, thank you that today you have again responded to this call of mine in numbers, hastening into my blessed woods.
My children, today I again invite you to prayer and to open your hearts to love and peace. My children, I am your mother and I am beside you at every moment of the day. I watch over each one of you and hold your hand, just like a loving mother with her children.
Little children, my Son Jesus entrusted me to you as mother at the foot of the cross from that hour already, and I from that moment became the mother of each one of you, mother of humanity. I love you, little children, I love you immensely and if you knew how much, your heart would burst with joy.
Little children, the world is in danger, and this is why I continue to ask you for prayer. Prayer is the strongest weapon for being able to stop all evil; pray for peace and for those who still do not know me and are far from God, pray for the conversion of all humanity and for my intentions.
I ask you children, when you pray, do not do it with your mouth, but do it with your heart, open your hearts and let me in, I am waiting. My children, pray much for the Church and for my chosen and favoured sons [i.e. priests], pray for all those who in bearing witness to their faith lose their lives.
Today I thank and bless all the priests present here, they have filled my heart with joy: pray for them. Pray for all the priests who have fallen away and who make me suffer so because with their bad example they scatter God's people. Children, the Church needs priests. Pray, pray, pray."
Then Mother spread out her arms and prayed over those present and over all the sick; from her hands came out rays of light which illuminated the woods and the people.
Finally she blessed everyone in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen