✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
I saw Mother all dressed in pale gray; on her head was transparent veil studded with tiny gold lights, around her waist a golden belt, her hands were clasped in a sign of prayer, and between them were a small white dove and the Holy Rosary, made of glass-like drops, very long, reaching right down to her feet that were bare and resting on a rock, under which flowed a water course.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, I love you and seeing you here today fills my heart with joy. I thank you, children, for what you are doing and I ask you again for prayer. My children, in this time of Lent, accompany prayer with good deeds and sacrifices; make offerings to the Lord. My children, Lent is a time of great graces, ask and you will receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
My children, this year of mercy is a year of grace; pray, do not be discouraged by the difficulties you encounter along the way, remain steadfast in prayer and strong in faith.
My children, I come to bring you a message of love, of peace.
My children, do not stray from the faith, do not break my poor heart by worrying about superfluous things and the false beauty of this world. My children, learn to say to the Lord God, "Thy will be done" and learn to accept it.
My children, learn to trust in God, the Father of mercy; He loves you immensely! Remember, my children - whoever trusts in the Lord is never disappointed.
Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me."