✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
I saw Mother, she had on a light pink dress, a blue mantle on her shoulders, on her head a white robe and crown of twelve stars, a gold belt around her waist, arms outstretched in a sign of welcome; her feet were bare and were resting on the world.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I love you, I love you immensely: if only you understood this.
My children, I come to you to take you to my beloved Jesus; make him part of your life, let him enter your heart, make him a participant in your life, open your heart, envelope it with your prayers, and bind it up with your love.
My beloved children, from the moment you open your eyes until you close them, give thanks to God for what he gives you, thank him even for the smallest thing that seems insignificant to you.
My children, I love you.
Children, pray, still pray much for my beloved Church. My children, learn how to kneel beneath the cross: there where everything seems finished is where on the contrary it all begins.
Children, pray for this world that is more and more distant from God, ever more ready for war, hatred, resentment, increasingly full of ego and pride, always ready to tread on others in order to realize itself.
I love you my children, I love you, if only you knew how much I love you! "
Then Mother took my hands and said: "Daughter, let us pray for the world."
"Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."
This afternoon, Mother appeared all dressed in white. The edges of her dress were golden, on her head was a great white mantle that went almost all the way down to the feet. On her head was a queen's crown, on her chest a heart of flesh, and between her clasped hands was a long rosary of light that shone.
Behind her to the right was a large crucifix made of light. Mother had a very beautiful smile even if she was sad.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, thank you that today you have again responded to this call of mine.
My children, today I rejoice with you even if everything that happens in the world makes me suffer so much.
Little children, I love you, I love you immensely and today I again ask you to pray for my beloved Church. Great will be the trials and tribulations that the Church will have to face. Many of my children will turn away from her and many will completely lose the faith.
Little children, my presence among you and in so many parts of the world is in order to strengthen the faith of so many of my children who will turn away from the Church.
My children, the Church is made up of men, men of limits, and so pray for them. Many will turn away from her because of the fall and the errors of my chosen and beloved sons [i.e. priests] who, with their errors, drag down to the depths of hell so many souls who lose trust/faith and let themselves be carried away.
Little children, you are called to pray, not to judge. Judgment is not for you but for God. Pray, pray, pray.
It has been a long time that I have been here among you, and I have taught you through my messages the need to love and forgive. "
Then Mother went among the pilgrims and said: "Today I heal and ease your sufferings."
Then she touched and kissed some children present.
Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.