✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, October 8, 2016, given to Simona
I saw Our Mother of Zaro with a heart of roses on her chest, in her hands a long Holy Rosary; Mother was happy and smiling.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear beloved children, seeing you gathered here on this day dear to me fills my heart with joy.
My children, I love you immensely!
Children, just as the rain falls, so graces descend on those of you who have open hearts ready to welcome them.
My children, I love you all and I welcome you under my mantle and protect you.
My children, I welcome your prayers and place them at the feet of God the Father.
My children, blessed are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice, blessed are the humble of heart.
My children, pray, pray for those of my children who seek happiness on wrong paths; pray for those who are losing themselves in the false beauty of this world; pray, my children, for this world now increasingly in ruin and gripped by evil.
My beloved children, pray for my beloved Church, for my beloved sons of predilection, the priests who lacerate my heart by their betrayal.
My children, pray.
My children, blessed are those whom the Lord when he comes will find being prepared with weapon in hand, stout heart and strong faith.
Children, I love you immensely!
Pray, my children, never tire of asking in prayer for everything you need, with prayer made with the heart, humble and simple, made with love and sincerity, without pretending.
My children, learn to give thanks to the Lord for everything that he gives you each day.
Children, I love you immensely.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, October 8, 2016, given to Angela
This evening Mother appeared all dressed in white. The mantle that enveloped her was also white, thin as the veil that also covered her head. The mantle was covered with stars. Her hands were joined in prayer and in her hands she had a long rosary that reached almost all the way down to her feet. The rosary was made of light. On her chest a heart of roses. Mother was happy.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
Greetings, Mother.
"Thank you, my daughter and thanks to God who allows me to be present here among you to give you messages of peace and love.
My children, seeing you here on this day so dear to me fills my heart with joy; yes, children, today I rejoice and pray for each of you.
Daughter, do you see the stars that are on my mantle? Every star is a grace that I give today to these children of mine gathered here in prayer and to every person who has entrusted themselves to your prayers.
My dearly beloved children, I love you, I love you immensely and this evening I again invite you to form prayer Cenacles; each cenacle should be a little flame of love that shines and a sign for those who do not know God.
Children, I ask you to be children of the light, to pray every day the entire Holy Rosary, to feed yourselves each day with my Son Jesus, so that you might be strengthened and ready to be able to defeat the enemy in the moment of the attack.
Children, learn to be humble and live in simplicity. God does not love great things, but loves those who give themselves with hands empty so that he might fill them with his immense Fatherly love.
Children, this evening I ask you for prayer for my beloved Church and for all favourite and chosen sons. I love them immensely, but unfortunately many times they are the ones that bring me greater pain and suffering, because with their behavior they turn so many away from the Church.
Pray, pray, pray."
Finally Mother blessed everyone and especially the priests and consecrated present.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.