✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, August 26, 2017, given to Angela
This afternoon Mother appeared as Mother of the Zaro woods. Her arms were open in a sign of welcome, under her feet she had the world that she enveloped with her great mantle.
Mother at one point let slip part of the mantle that was enveloping the world and stretched it over our island. Next, some black smoke came out of the ground, but then stopped ...
"This is just the beginning."
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Dear children, thank you for being here again today to welcome me.
My children, I love you, I love you immensely, I love you as a true mother. "
Mother, thank you for everything you do for us, thank you for not allowing the earthquake* to touch us. "I love you daughters, I love you immensely. Daughters, I will never tire of telling you - I love you.
Children, everything that I had been announcing to you for a while now is about to be fulfilled; the times are near, here they are at the gate.
My children, once again I tell you do not fear, I am beside you, I lead you by my hand: take it, let us walk together.
Little children, in this time of trial and tribulation, do not fear, and reinforce your prayers more.
Little children, for a long time I have been telling you to form prayer cenacles.
Little children, I had asked you to perfume the walls of your homes with prayer. My children, I pass between your walls and in your homes but I do not smell an aroma of prayer.
Children, I ask you once more to let go of the false beauties of this world and to give yourselves entirely to God.
My children, these are hard times; they are not times for requests but times for prayer, listening and silence. Yes children, silence, do not conduct yourselves in such a way as to be a scandal for this world; do not be whitewashed sepulchres, but be solid foundations and houses of prayer.
My little children, today I go among you, I caress you and soothe all your suffering and all your pain.
I beseech you, children, be obedient to God's call; open your hearts and let yourself be overwhelmed by the Father's love.
Little children, today I bless you individually and bless all your thoughts and all those present here who are sick."
Then Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
[*Translator's note: the island of Ischia where Zaro is located was struck by an earthquake on August 21]
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, August 26, 2017, given to Simona
I saw Mother all dressed in white: on her head was a white veil that went down to her feet and the crown of twelve stars - around her waist she had a blue sash; her hands were joined in prayer, and between them was a long Holy Rosary made of pearls.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I love you immensely.
Children, free yourselves from your ego that makes you believe that you are better, stronger, more knowledgeable, more intelligent, more humble, more pious; be filled with the Lord and be his simple instruments.
My children, be ready to say your 'yes' to the Lord, that 'yes' which leads you with love even to the foot of the cross, there where the Lord left his testament making me mother of humanity, making all of you his brothers and children of God.
My dearly beloved children, do not delay, do not still hold back giving your heart to the Lord, giving him your every moment, your every thought, your every action. Children, I love you and I am here to bring you all safely to the Lord's feet.
My children, all this is possible through the immense love that God the Father nourishes for each of you.
My children, you are all my beloved children, all of you are useful but, children, no one is indispensable.
My beloved children, grasp the holy rosary and prepare yourselves to fight a good fight.
My children, hard times await you.
Children, this is just the beginning of all that I have been announcing to you for a long time, but do not fear, my children: I love you and I am next to you, I protect you with my mantle.
My children, I love you and today I give many graces to those present and those you carry in your hearts; I welcome your prayers and put them at the feet of God the Father.
My children, empty yourselves of your ego and fill yourselves with the Lord.
Pray, my children, pray.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."