✞ The agony in the Garden was, in a special way, for the help of the dying; the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath.
Message of Madonna of Zaro, July 8, 2017, given to Simona
I saw [Our] Mother, she had a blue veil going down to her feet, a dark pink dress, a halo around her head, she had baby Jesus in her arms, Jesus also had a halo around his head and a small white gown around his hips. He had the right hand raised, indicating three in a sign of blessing. They were surrounded by angels.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Here I am among you once more, my children, in order to bring you the Savior (and saying this Mother showed the baby Jesus, lifting him up with her arms).
My children, the Lord's heart is immense as the heavens are immense, there is room for everyone, you only need to draw near. My children, there is no sacrament more pleasing to the Lord than that of reconciliation; He is always there ready to welcome you.
My dearly beloved little children, I know you all and call each one by name, but alas, too often your heart is hardened and your ears deaf to my calls.
I love you, my children.
My children, there will be times when the sun will not shine on the earth and the world will be surrounded by darkness; my children, but the end has not yet come: in those days we will see who really is faithful to me, who is ready to take up arms and follow me, who will tell me their own 'yes' with their soul and with their heart and not only their lips.
Children, the battle will be ferocious, but I, my children, am next to you, I sustain you, protect you and guard you.
My children, I love you; pray, children.
My children, do not put your trust in man, but put it in God; He is good and just and never betrays.
Son, be ready to say your 'yes' to the Lord, but do not delay my children: the times are pressing, now little is left for you, little time is still granted for you to give your hearts to the Lord; He will restore you and replenish you with every good thing, giving you a new heart.
I love you my children, I love you.
Let yourselves be loved.
Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me. "
Message of Our Lady of Zaro, July 8, 2017, given to Angela
This evening [Our] Mother appeared all dressed in dusty rose, and she was wrapped in a large blue-blue mantle. Mothe had her arms open in a sign of welcome. In her right hand she had a long white rosary of light, and from her half-open hands there came rays of light that illuminated all those present and the whole woods.
Behind Mother there was a big cross of dark and rough wood. Mother was very sad; her feet were resting on a carpet of flowers. Mother appeared as Queen and Mother of All Peoples.
"Dear children, I love you, I love you immensely and thank you all for having welcomed and responded to this call of mine.
Dear children, this evening I am again here in my blessed forest to ask you for prayer. I beg you for prayer for this sick humanity: there will be difficult times, there will be a great persecution, and only those who are firm in the faith will succeed in bearing the weight of the cross. I suffer children, I suffer for all that must happen, I am always next to you and I will sustain you with my love; do not be afraid. Give me your hands and open wide your hearts to me. Children, pray for the conversion of all humanity and for peace in the world that is ever more distant.
Children, pray for the whole Church and for all priests. Little children, pray and draw strength and support from the Eucharist; there is the living presence of my son Jesus, do not let anything take you away from it. Learn that only with God's help can you go forward and have a true goal and a great hope.
My children, this evening I again grant you graces. I love you, children, and I thank you for your love, I touch your wounds and wipe your tears, I pass among you and console you."
Finally, Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.