Message from Our Lady to Angela

By Our Lady of Zaro

June 8, 2017

This evening Our Mother appeared as Mother and Queen of all peoples. Her dress was rose-coloured, and the mantle surrounding it was blue-green.
Mother was very sad; in her right hand she had a long rosary of light that went almost down to her feet. In her left hand she had a small golden scepter. Mother was resting her feet on the world, where scenes of wars and violence of various kinds could be seen. Part of the world was covered with blood. Under the world there was a carpet of flowers.

May Jesus Christ be praised

"My dear children, thank you that tonight that you have again answered and welcomed my call, hastening into my blessed forest.
Dear children, tonight I once more come here among you to ask you for prayer. Pray, children, pray very much, prayer is a very powerful weapon and only with it you can bear the weight of the trials that will come.
Children, the road that leads to my Son is long and tiring, but you do not fear, I will be next to you and will always support you. Many are the enemies that surround you and hide themselves to keep you away from the truth. Remember that my son Jesus is the truth!
My children, please, act as true children of light, renounce evil, and do not return evil for evil, but exchange evil for good and learn to bless your enemies. Make sure that those who are with you and observe you see in you the presence of my son Jesus, as I have always taught you.
My children, what must happen in the world will be terrible, but I will be next to you, I will be your lamp and your shelter. I am here to lead you all to my Son.
My children, I ask you once more to remain on your knees in front of the Blessed Sacrament, be reconciled to God through the sacrament of confession, and when you feel weak and without strength, feed on Jesus. The Eucharist will give you strength and will always sustain you."
Then Mother said to me: "Look ......."
Suddenly I found myself in Paris and precisely in front of the Eiffel Tower; it was as if wrapped in flames and people were fleeing helter-skelter. Then I saw behind the tower and precisely to the left a large white palace. This palace was very large. First all the glass exploded, then came a strong explosion, and finally a pile of rubble and dust. Piercing cries could be heard and there was blood everywhere. Then I saw other explosions and various massacres.
Our Mother went on: "My daughter, look at how much evil and how much pain there is in the world. All this makes me suffer greatly, my heart is ever more torn and ever more cries of the innocent come to me. Pray much for peace, pray for those dark days that will overwhelm all humanity. Pray, pray, pray. "
Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Note from the translator to the web master:

Dear Jimmy, Below is a translation of the second message given in Zaro on June 8. As you'll see, it is very serious (we lived in Paris for 20 years); if Zaro came to public attention - in Italy at least - it was at least partly because in 1995 a vision was given of the destruction of the Twin Towers six years later...

Lord, have mercy!