✞ One who lives up high in the Divine Will, is not subject to mutations.
I saw a large cross on top of a hill; the cross was full of light and Jesus was nailed to it; at the foot of the cross was Mother dressed all in grey, there were a host of people going up this hill, drawn by the cross.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
"My dear children, here I am again among you out of the love and by permission of the Father; He is the good and just God who loves his children and His creatures.
My children, I have come among you once more in order to ask you for prayer; prayer, my beloved children. Children, may your prayer be continual and constant, but not like a dirge made without meaning with empty words that signify nothing, but with words full of love and praise. My children, only prayer can do all things, help and heal you in body and soul: true prayer made with the heart filled with love for the Lord.
Children come, lay down your cross, your suffering, your pain, your anguish, your every burden at the foot of the Most Holy Cross, fill yourselves with his love, let him enter your heart and fill your whole soul; entrust everything to him.
My children, prayer is the strongest weapon against evil, may the prayer of the Holy Rosary always accompany you.
Daughter, take my hands and pray with me. "
I took Mother's hands, we began to pray and there came a huge black cloud befalling the world, and suddenly there began wars and destruction, violence and abuse of persons and particularly of children; then Mother resumed:
"All this rends my heart, my children. Children, pray, pray for peace, but without Christ there is no peace, no love.
My children, offer everything to him, each thing, all your moments, your every act, and He will turn it into love.
My children, far from God there is no love, no peace, no joy, no light; without light there is no life.
I love you immensely my children, let yourselves be led to the Lord.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me. "