✞ Preparation and thanksgiving at Communion.
I saw Mother: she was wrapped in light, dressed all in gray, a soft, almost pearly gray; she had a long mantle that went from her head all the way down to the feet and enveloped her. Her hands were folded in prayer, and between them was a long Holy Rosary.
Mom was sad but was smiling at us.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I love you immensely. My children, behold what they did to my beloved Jesus (I started to see different scenes of Jesus's Passion) and here my children is what is still being done to him."
I saw scenes of in which people - women, children, the elderly -, were threatened, beaten, mistreated and alongside each one of them was Jesus who was being threatened, beaten, mistreated.
"Behold my children how my heart suffers, it is torn by all this hatred, by all this resentment, all this evil.
My children, my and your beloved Jesus came down to this earth to give all his immense love to you; he gave you everything without reservation, he gave all of himself to the point of giving his life for you and, before his last breath, as an act of love he gave me to you all as mother of humanity, in order that I might take you by the hand and lead you to Him.
See my children how great is his love for you, for each of you. Ah my children, if only you understood how great is his love for each of you, if only you would be content with what you without concerning yourselves with having false and useless things, false treasures that shine with a false light, light that gives no heat and no light, that does not last and slowly vanishes, leaving you empty and in darkness.
My children, make the best use of this important season of Lent; pray, offer sacrifices and acts of mortification, fasting and prayer, and offer to the Lord your love, also in reparation for the outrages and sacrileges that are being committed.
My beloved children, this time of Lent is a time of great graces.
Pray, children, pray with your heart, pray for my beloved Church, pray for the Supreme Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ, for my servant Francis.
Pray children, pray!
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."