✞ The soul must die to everything in order to rise again, more beautiful.
I saw Mother, she had the crown of twelve stars around her head and a white veil, on her shoulders a blue mantle that went down to her bare feet that were resting on the world; under her right foot was the ancient enemy in the form of a snake. Mother's dress was white, around her waist she had a golden belt and on her chest a throbbing heart of flesh crowned with a crown of thorns; her arms were open in a sign of welcome.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I love you and I thank you that you have come to me.
My children, I come to you to bring you a message of peace and love: peace, that true [peace] that only God can give you, the peace that placates everything, calms everything;
Love, that true [love], that forgives everything, accepts everything, that immense love that gives all of itself.
My children, all this you can only find in the Lord: He who is ready to forgive you, He who loves you to the point of giving his own life for you.
Children, these are the love and peace you need to seek in order to be fully happy.
My children, who can love you as God loves you? Who is ready to give all of himself to you without reservation, without asking for anything in return?
My children, the love of the Lord is an immense love,
Children, He loves you all and knows you one by one, he knows what you need.
My children, let him be the one to take care of you, give yourselves totally to him, let him act in you, let him dwell in your heart.
My children, I love you and I will never tire of telling you how great God's love is for each one of you.
My children, ask the Lord to learn to do his will.
I love you my children, I love you.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."